2. "Get lost hood!"

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The sun was beaming in my eyes and I slowly open them to see my brother brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

"Hey man it's 12 we're heading out at 1 so get ready, I'll be down stairs if you need anything" he says mouth full of toothpaste.

"Okay" I get up and watch my brother walk out of the room and I start to get ready.

I put my dark brown hair in a low ponytail making side to have an extra pony on me incase.

I walk down the stairs and see my brother talking to the guy from last night.

"There she is! Hey miss Winston!" they guy says. He puts out a hand and I shake it and look at Dallas.

"We should get going let's go" he says nodding his head toward the door.

~time skip~

Dallas leans on a poll and we see the boys walk up to us. "Your early" my brother says while flicking his ashes to the ground.

"Yeah, what do you wanna do dal?" Dal claps his hands together softly. "Nothing legal man come on."

We turn around nearly bumping into a girl. The boys all look back at her as soon as she walks past us.

We walk to the dingo seeing a fight happen but leave after the guy getting jumped pulls at a blade and the fuzz showed up.

Next we go to the dx to talk with sodapop and Steve but Dallas basically robs them. I stay for a while and talk to soda.

"Do you like it here in Tulsa?" He ask. "It's real different from the city but I like it." After I finish my sentence ponyboy calls me over. "Oh shit! bye sodapop!" I say running to boys as they get farther away. "bye saige!"

I walk over the the boy and we head to down town.

"So what's the movie about?" Johnny ask but Dallas grabs him and pretends to throw a punch "ow Dallas!"

"Ion know johnny it's one of them beach movies they show" dal says while walking Cooley.

We cut behind a alley and see some kids playing with cards. "Did I say you can play in my grass" Dallas says. Then he tells them something and then gives a big speech about how he doesn't like kids.

I snap out of it when he yells "get outta here!" And he starts chasing them. After we all run he laughs and looks up.

"It's getting dark lets head out" he walks over the dead plants and starts walking towards the drive-in.

We slide under a whole in the gate and jump over a small Barrier to get to rows of chairs once we sit a red head and a girl with short black hair sits infront of us.

"Cherry are you sure you want to do this?" The girl with short hair ask. "I came here to see a movie and I'm going to see a movie!" The red head says.

"It's freezing out here" pony whines. "why didn't you bring a coat stupid" Dallas says while trying to light his cancer stick with his Christopher.

I had a necklace like his but it was a real nice cross. I still wear it like dally does his.

Dallas reaches of the seat next to the red head getting a little to close to her grabs a lighter a lights his cancer stick.

He lights hits pony's arm "some cute red head huh?" Dallas leans up a bit close to her ear.

"Are you a real red head?" He leans in then back a bit. "Come on dal" Johnny says. "Are you real?"

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