9. "Promise"

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^^ this is curly for this book because why not

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^^ this is curly for this book because why not.

Darry was yelling. I didn't question it he does it often.

Johnny open the door I thanked him and walked in.

"Pony you got to multiply 186 and 77 and find x which is just the answer" Darry rubbed his eyebrows.

"I'm trying Darry but it doesn't make sense!" Ponyboy threw his pencil down.

"Pony sometimes your smart but you make me question if soda is smarter..." I say.

"Haha! Saige said I'm smarter" soda laughed at ponyboy.

"No I didn't I said I question if you are after that I won't anymore" i say.

"Oh" he walks in his room for his shoes.

"I can't do this I'm going for a walk!" And with that ponyboy got up and ran out.

"What's up with him?" Johnny ask Darry.

"I don't know kid he's just been stressed he says he has a lot on his mind. He almost 15 so i guess hormones?" Darry shrugged and went to his room to get ready for work.

"Should we go check on pony?" I ask Johnny.

"Give him some space he'll be alright man" he shrugs.

"Alright whatever"

"Saige can I talk to you?" Angela calls.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask.

"Come to the bathroom please." She's seemed serious.

"Okay" I walk into the restroom and see two pregnancy test on the counter.

"Angela what the fuck is that?!" She put a hand over my mouth.

"Are you crazy Carly's home!" She was panicked.

"I don't know what to say-" I paused to think. Angela the 15 year old that has always been boy crazy had gotten pregnant.
"-um who's is it?" I ask quietly.

"You won't get mad?" She held out a pinky.

"Promise" I locked our pinky's.

"It's ponyboys" She whispers.

What. The. Fuck.

"Ponyboy?!" I yell.

"You broke the promise!" I heard a knocking on the door.

"Angel I need to piss let me in!" I grab the test and shove them in her hands.

"Hurry" I tell her and she does. She stuffs them in her back pocket and we walked out.

"Saige what the- whatever I need to piss" curly walks in the bathroom.

We walk to her room and sit on her bed in silence. "Is this why he's so stressed over math problems" I let out a chuckle.

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