14. "Oh my god!"

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Johnny rapped his arms around me while lighting a weed.

I've always loved his lighter. He has gotten a sharpie and written "Saige and Johnny <3" on it.

Seeing always made me smile.

"You know while we were away from each other I got you this" His face turned serious.

He opened a tiny box and showed me a pretty ring.

"Now I ain't proposing. But I wanted to get you this promise ring" he looks down at the ring.

"I wanted to show you it and the promise I wanted to keep is that I will love you forever saige" he looks up at me.

He smiles and I smile back. I leaned in and kissed him.

He smiled one we backed always and put the ring on my finger.

"I waited a while to give it to you" he smiled kissing my cheek.

We were on the porch with him holding my waist until the phone rang and I went inside to answer it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"He man its dal I was working with Darry on the house and anyways Angela's in labor were all going to the hospital so come on!" He yelled and hung up.

"Oh my god!" I ran outside.

"Angelas having the baby hurry" I locked the door and me and Johnny ran to to the hospital.

"Oh my gosh it hurts!" Angel screamed.

She wanted me to be there with her and her brothers ponyboy as well.

"Just one more push baby" I said and wiped her head.

She squeezed my hand tight and with that he heard a faint cry.

"Its a boy!" The doctor said happily.

She smiled and put the baby on angels chest.

"Aw look at him!" She said happily.

All four of the boys came up and looked at there new nephew/son.

"Oh my- Im a dad!" Ponyboy said as he ran out to tell the gang and bring them in.

"Guys im a dad!" I could hear him yell from down the hallway.

The whole gang walked back in after ponyboy yelling for them to see their son.

Him and Angela had decided to name him Tayler.

A week days later

Angela and ponyboy were able to come home today with Tyler.

The gang and I have been setting up the house so they could be able to relax when they get home and not have to worried about anything.

We heard a know on the door and then Angela and ponyboy walked in.

"He old man" Dallas joked and went up to pony and Angela.

"Hey dal" the two said in sync.

"Cute kid man" Dallas said looking at Tyler.

Dallas sat on the couch next to me and Johnny.

"Do you guys want to hold him?" Everyone nodded and Angela told us all to wash our hands first.

We all sat down and she handed Darry Tyler. It went into a circle then he got to Dallas.

"How do you hold him man?" Angela helped him and he looked down.

He let out a quick smile but wiped it off his face when he realized he was smiling. He passed him to Johnny and Johnny held him and looked down.

I looked at Johnny and he looked at me and smiled.

"He's a cute kid man" Johnny said while handing him to me.

"He sure is" ponyboy said while smiling.

After a while I gave them their baby back and we all ate dinner.

After dinner and talking for a bit me, Johnny, and Dallas headed home.

Me and Johnny went to the back of the yard against our tree and read gone with the wind.

"Hey can I read some of it?" Johnny asked when I grabbed the book.

"Yeah you sure can." I handed him the book at we started to read.

He was reading will we'll to get got to a certain word.

"Do you need help Johnny?" I asked politely.

"Um- yeah I think so" he said quietly.

"Hyperventilating" I said with a smile.

"Thank you" he said and we read on.

Me and Johnny started to watch the sunset while I was laying on his legs while he sat against the tree.

I looked at up him and smiled.

I really don't know what I did to get this lucky. I hope everyone gets this type of Johnny in their life. They deserve it.

700+ words this ain't the end I thought abt it but I love this damn story to much so the show must go on!

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