15. "Mhm"

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I and johnny have been bored all day so we decided to go shopping. We decided to walk downtown with two-bit as he put his thumb out to pretend to hitchhike and then flip drivers off.

we made it to a small shop with sunglasses and decided to go in it. We walked in. Two-bit was the first to put on some Minney mouse sunglasses. 

"I look pretty good right Saige?" he sure looked funny. "Mhm" I let out a small chuckle johnny did the same. "you two you look real good," johnny said raising his eyebrows.

you could see them now because he had been letting me trim his bangs. 

I got some funky ones and put them off. I turned to both of the boys. "How about these?" I chuckled. 

I got another pair of the same ones just in blue and gave them to johnny. "Hey, you're a real looker babe can I get your number?" two-bit said to johnny. 

"Your Tryna still my man two?" I chuckled. "Maybe," he said with a chuckle. 

the bell rang and here came sodapop and Steve. "Well look what the cat dragged in," johnny said while walking up to the two. 

They walked closer as the boys did a handshake and they hugged me. "While do I have a plan for you boys, take these two." 

I hand him the sunglasses to swipe as we walked out coolly. 


The boys follow as I walk into a dress store. "What sizes would fit all of your pony, dally, and Darry too" I smirked. 

"No saige no way," Johnny said as the other boys went straight to the dresses. 

"Come on johnny this will be so much fun for us." I smiled and grabbed his hand had he let me take him to the dresses. 

we went to the dresses and picked the boy's sizes and ones we thought could fit the others. 

"Alright, let's head back to the house." I smiled and gave them too two-bit. 

He loves swiping everything he saw. 


"Hey guys," said the others. They had been with Angela to help her build something. 

"Since angel has been out, she hasn't had much fun" I smirked while I put my hands out for the dresses. 

He handed them to me and smirked. Angela rocked a sleeping Tyler confused. 

"What are you doing saige?" she smiled slightly still confused.

"A beautiful thing" I smiled and threw the dresses at the boys while two big went to lock and guard the door and locked them. 

he was wearing a pretty red dress with glitter, and all of the guys had matching ones. 

"No way in hell am I doing this saige you Tryna gets me killed?" Dallas said. 

"We have to all promise this one to leave this room you hear?" I spoke.

"Please Dallas for the woman with the baby," Angela said.

he let out a sigh.

"Give me the damn dress," he said rolling his eyes.


All of the boys had put on their dresses, I and Angela put makeup on them too.

"Not gonna lie I look good" sodapop smiled one of his movie star smiles.  

"Can I get out of this now" Darry had one hand over his? 

"In one second," Angela smirked and pulled out a polaroid.  

As soon as it flashed all of the boys screamed not as I took another of them screaming.

they all ran towards us as we ran to the bathroom. 

"We have the kid angel," Dallas said as I heard a smack.

"you're doing nothing to the kid!" ponyboy said. 

we both laughed as we shook the photos. I put one in my pocket, and she put one in hers too. 

"Come and get them," I said as Angela unlocked the door. 

we both ran to the living room passing ponyboys room where Tyler was peacefully sleeping. 

we jumped on the couch while the boys tried to get the picture but then failed. 


after an hour of trying, they had given up, washed their faces, and gone back to their normal clothes.

"I'm going to start food." I smiled. 

it was my turn to cook. I and Darry had come up with this thing we called gang dinner. It was all of us eating together and we would take turns cooking. 

"I'll help I got some time before Tyler wakes up from his nap," Angela said and smiled. We got off the couch and we started the food. 

Once we were done, we sat it all on the table and told the boys. 

they had all sat down after angel had gotten Tyler.


"You know saige you were a real bad kid when you were little" Dallas said. 

"Like you weren't" I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, but I mean with mom and the old man, you won't fight him and stuff I didn't even do that" he smiled proudly.

"Yeah, well mom didn't need his shit and he deserved it" I smiled

"You know one time when I was in high school and Ponyboy and sodapop were little they buried me at the beach and left for 3 hours," Darry said as the others laughed. 

"Yeah, we told mom and dad you met a girl and would be back in 1 then we told them what we did when they were gonna call the fuzz to report you missing." Sodapop smiled. 

"One time my time and curly were fighting when we were young and curly threw a lamp at me, I lost my first tooth that day," Angela said and chuckled.  

"Yeah, well one-time Dallas and I ran away, and he left me in a garbage can because I was too heavy to carry because I sprained my ankle" I smiled. 

"You were man I just about broke my back that day."

"The other day Lilly said she didn't like me, so I threw her on the couch, and she bounced off thank god and mattress was there" two-bit said and we all looked at him. 

"two-bit!" we all yelled, and he laughed. 

"she's fine" he rolled his eyes. 


1000+ words enjoy this filler because I have no idea what to right

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