8. "Texas?"

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"Hello?" I answered the phone nervously due to not hearing from my brother or Johnny.

"Saige I need you to bail us out" I knew it was Johnny his voice was shaky.

"Johnny what happened?" I asked.

"Dallas is gonna call the Curtis' go there right now he'll explain please don't be mad I have to go" after that the phone hung up.

I put on my converse and ran to the Curtis' and opened the door to Darry on the phone.

"Yes she's here right now.... She looks pissed" I grabbed the phone and talked.

"Texas?" I say sternly.

"Saige let me explain-" I cut him off.

"What did you do Dallas how stupid can you be and you dragged Johnny into it! Oh your going to hear it when I get there you hear!" "And you tell Johnny if you even see him he's going to hear it too for listening to your blockhead ass!" I hung up the phone.

"How much do we need?" I ask Darry sweetly.

"You just yelled at dal and now your a angel?" Two-bit said.

"Close your mouth your gonna catch flies and they'll lay eggs and kill you before I can" I smile at him and looked at Darry.

"200 for each." I got the money from my pocket. "Here's 50? I think I'll be right back maybe a hour or two!"

I run out the house and go to my jewelry including my favorite rings then run to a pawn shop.

"How much for these rings and necklaces?" I ask the lady at the front.

"20 for the 2 necklaces. Is it okay if I test these 4 rings for real silver it can get you a pretty bill?" She ask

"Yeah go ahead they are though" I shrug as she walked to the back.

After 5 minutes she walks back to the front. "This will get you 50 each, dear that's real good!"

"Okay!" I say she hands me the money and I run back to the Curtis'.

"Give me my fifty dar I got all the money we need!" I say while trying breathe.

We walk out of the jail with my blockhead brother and little ol' Johnny. When he walk away I turn toward the both of them and slap them.

"What where you two thinking! You would had go major time and for what! A pack of Smokes and cokes! Oh lemme tell you you will pay me all my money back I have to sell my favorite rings and necklaces! Oh and just wait till Darry has you!" I turn to Johnny.

"And you! What are you doing listening to him?!" I smack his head.

"I'm sorry!" He rubs his head.

"We'll I'm sure as hell not and I ain't paying you back I got you a house a bed-" I cut him off.

"Oh if you start that Dallas tucker Winston you won't get to see the light of day ever again ya dig?! Oh lord help me!" I say and walk in front of them.

Once at the Curtis house I sit on the couch and wait for Darry to walk it and he looked more pissed then me.

"Dallas Winston what where you thinking! And with Johnny and you Johnny what where you thinking! I'm gonna skin both of ya you hear!"

"Yeah yeah you won't do shit!" I was done with Dallas.

I grabbed him and threw him on the floor and started punching.

"You don't care?! You called had lost me Dallas I would had went back to the city or a girls home! Oh but god forbid you don't have smokes!"

I kept punching till I saw his lip busted from a ring I had on.

"Fuck you Dallas!" I sat back on the couch and huffed.

"Why are you always fighting him.." two-bit says.

"Because he's a bitch" I say.

"I'm not a-" I cut him off.

"Lord forgive me! I will have Johnny bury your dead body with me Dallas trust me!" I say.

"And there's the Winston.." Ponyboy says quietly.

"I'm sorry." Johnny whispers again.

"Yeah whatever man. Let's go home." I say and get up grabbing his hand and leaving dal on the chair cleaning his lip.

"I'm really sorry Saige I shouldn't had listened to your brother! I wasn't thinking please forgive me!" Johnny says.

I've been ignoring him for the last 20 minutes.

"I forgive you johnnycake but why where you so stupid" I say lightly hitting him I'm the head.

"Quit that out my hair!" He says fixing his hair.

I go in the closet and grab a shirt and slip it on quickly.

"Oh." Johnny says while looking away.

"You know i was going to ask you something.. ya know before we got caught. They ain't that smart back at the station I still have this" he pulls out a necklace.

"You dumbass!" I smack his arm.

"Stop hitting me man or I ain't gonna ask you!" He says. "It's for you anyway!"

"I hope it was worth the jail time you blockhead!"

"It was! Anyways. I was going to ask you to- ya know what I'll wait just for all that god damn hitting ."

"Oh my lord!" I roll my eyes.

"It just isn't the perfect time man I'll ask you when I can" he shrugs.

"If you asking me to be your girl yes!" I mess up his hair.

"Saige! Wait what?!" He says stoping in the middle of fixing his hair.

"Your a fucking blockhead Johnny Cade" I lean in and kiss him.

He kisses back when the front door slams open. "Saige Bailey Winston come here!" I walk out of my room to see my brother.

"You fucking smell of beer you know?" I say.

"Johnny go in the room man." He waves his hand toward my room and Johnny goes in when I nod at him.

"Ya' know I'm sorry man I can't lose you saige your all I have. I love you" he hugged me.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll bury you ya hear?" He says.

"Yes dal"

Oh how how I wish he was sober.

1000+ words

Blockhead is my new thing to say it also I've fallen in love with Luis Mendoza🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh and I got a bf 😭

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