Lannie/ Birthday

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Labor is shit balls! I'm in so much pain. Why didn't they tell me it would hurt this bad! I mean come on!

I've been at this for hours. I have a stupid IV in my arm. They had to put me on a drip. My abdomen feels like it's being stretched with the jaws of life! My back hurts. Extremely bad. I blame it on men!

My three guys are standing around me, they're all scared for their lives. They better be cause I'm about to kill them! Why can't guys go through this? It's not fair!

"You ever come near me with your dicks again and I'll chop them off!" I ain't playing. This mother fucking shit hurts! Why do women do this?

"It's ok flower, calm down, we're right here." Dude has lost his damn mind!he's holding my hand; I nearly break it by squeezing it. He grimaces. Oh poor baby does that hurt? Nope! This shit here does!

"Calm down? This baby has to be the size of a damn line backer! You tell me to calm down when you have a watermelon crawling out of your dick!" The nurses are laughing. My guys look terrified! They better be! I'm not playing! They try to soothe me by rubbing their hands all over me.

"Don't touch me! I'll break every bone in your stupid hands!" They back away from me. I'm in no mood!

"Ok, the baby's crowning, when you feel another contraction; you can push." Forget that, I want to push now! This is exhausting.

A hard contraction hits. I raise up and push with all my might. Holding my breath as I do. I catch some air and crash back on my pillow. Sweat is falling off me. I'm tired and fed up! When can I go home!

"We may have to make an incision." He tells the nurses. What? They want to cut my ppp? Oh hell no! This doc must be sniffing on some gas!

"You bring a knife near my vagina and I will cut you in return!" The guys looked shocked! I'm at my wits end! Cut me? That shits got to hurt? I wouldn't even get a piercing there.

"We may have to Mrs. Salvatore. The babies head is a bit big and he doesn't want to come out. I don't want to have to use forceps, I don't want him to come out with a misshapen head." Wtf? Why me?

"He has a big head because of his daddy! Cut him!" I point to Forest. Everyone laughs. But me! I'm for real!

"Uhm doc, think you might throw in an extra stitch or two there, I might not be able to do her any good if you don't." Of all the? Jackass! The nurses laugh again, dumb ass Denny.

I slap his arm "you saying you have a small dick?" He looks at me like he lost his last piece of candy. The doc and nurses laugh at that. Take that you bum! Extra stitch my ass! I'll sew up his asshole!

The doctor makes the incision and it hurts and burns like a mother fucker! Who thought of this crap? Someone should slap whoever did!

Another contraction hits.

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