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Why is she here? My hearts beating rapidly inside my chest

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Why is she here? My hearts beating rapidly inside my chest. I'm pacing back and forth in my room. Combing my fingers through my hair. I'm disoriented and confusion hits me full force.

She's my demise. I've loved her forever and she broke the spirit of my love for her in on one frustrating long night.

How can I ever forgive her for that?

I know we were young but I knew what my heart wanted. What my brothers wanted and it was all summed up in one word, her.

The devastation she brought forth I could never forgive.

My brothers have a different opinion and blame me. I can't fault them though, I blame myself also but for different reasons.

I blame me for not seeing the signs, I should've known she didn't love me enough. Love us enough. I should've seen right through it. But I was a fool. A love sick fool!

My door opens and my brother Blue comes in. Closing the door behind him. I'm not in the mood to deal with him. I stomp over to my bed and sit. Waiting to hear his lecture I am sure he is here to give.

I look at him and wait. He's pacing and I'm sure he's trying to accumulate the words to say to me.

Fuck! I just don't need this now!

"You got to let it go Denny. You know as well as we do that you were to young. Far too young. She said no, for more reasons than you think. You know her as well as we do. You knew her situation. You also knew how we felt. Yet you just couldn't stop yourself ,yet again, you do what you always want!" He thinks I'm spoiled. That I didn't think about their wants or cares or about their stupid plan!

"How can you forgive her so easy? She broke our hearts!" Trying to sound firm in my convictions.

"No Denny, you did! You broke our hearts! You didn't listen. You didn't care! You thought about yourself! Not about me or Forest. Not about how we felt. You and only you are to blame!" He's screaming at this point. I understand I hurt them. They just can't understand how she hurt me. How I feel. They never will.

"She wasn't ours Blue! We never told her our plan! We never told her how we all feel! You should be thanking me, I forced her hand to show us how she felt and she dumped on our feelings!" I'm seething at this point.

"No she didn't! She dumped on your feelings and that's why your so butt hurt! But you're holding on to this resentment for her; when you know, as well as I do, that it wasn't because she didn't love us!" I've held on to this anger for years. But for me it's just not that easy to forgive and forget. To move on. She crushed me! I just can't seem to get pass that!

"Just leave Blue, I'm not in the mood to argue over her. I think she's done enough to us already, just go!" He looks at me. His expression says it all, he thinks this is all on me.

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