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We're having a boy!

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We're having a boy!

I can't believe it.

We're leaving the obgyns office. Forest, Lannie, and me. Blue couldn't make it, he had a dead line due on a Ford he was working on, he's beyond pissed about it. But it just couldn't be helped.

We load up in to the truck, Lannie is in the center. Forest has a grin on his face. Before he starts the engine, he reaches over and rubs her belly.

"Hey little man, I can't wait to meet you." I've never seen him so happy. Lannie puts her hand on top of his.

"Just a little bit longer. I'm just so glad there's only one. I couldn't imagine two!" She's been on about that ever since we found out she was pregnant. She's absolutely glowing. Her smile is bright. She has on a maternity shirt, that's looks wonderful on her. Since her pregnancy its like her is beauty personified.

"Do you want to call Blue or stop by and tell him, you know it's driving him nuts right now?" Looking at Lannie, I ask her, it's her decision on what we do

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"Do you want to call Blue or stop by and tell him, you know it's driving him nuts right now?" Looking at Lannie, I ask her, it's her decision on what we do. I know Blues been very impatient. He hated missing this.

"Let's stop by, if it's ok, then we can grab some lunch, I'm starving." Here lately all she's been craving is chili dogs. Her favorite has always been Mexican food, but she can't tolerate it as much these days. Gives her a lot of gas. In both ways.

"Sounds good." Forest tells her, starting the engine. We head toward Blues shop.


Walking in, we hear Blue cussing up a storm. He's had more work than ever these days. I told him he needs to hire another mechanic but for some reason, he doesn't want to. Country music is blasting through the shop. Probably thanks to Devlin.

Lannie approaches the Ford truck stepping over Blues equipment. He notices her, he's smiling, with grease all over his face and hands. She hands him the ultrasound photo, and waits.

He looks at it and scrunches his face. Yea I couldn't make it out either. Forest steps up behind her and I go to her side.

"It's a boy!" Lannie explains. Blue smiles even wider, he screams out a yes, it's a boy, picks her up and twirls her around. Sitting her down, he takes his greasy hand and rubs her belly. She doesn't seem to mind.

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