Chapter Fourteen

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"You know, when all of this started, I thought it was my mother's fault. However, it turned out that the woman who was pretending to be my friend ended up being the worst nightmare of my life. She disguised herself as MB, but I knew the truth: she was a woman who wanted everything I had—a perfect life, a perfect boyfriend, perfect parents, good grades, even a big, expensive house.

Now that I know the truth, I want to do something about it, but she had drugged me and put me in a warehouse where I saw this man. I thought to myself, "could this man finally be my father could he be the one with the answers that I have been seeking?

"I had to stop running and hiding, and I had to stop cowering, before I could finally see the man in the shadows...

I sneaked out of the window later that day with the fuchsia pink sheets made and the room spotless so they would think I had gone home. However, I had been trying to get him back all along and really didn't think I had the energy to see him one more time.

To be straightforward I mean I needed to beat Alyah senseless so terrible for what she did my family on second thought how is it that you could send me this large number of letters and notes that say that he is dead?

Email would have been simpler, but I'm here now and I'm going to take him home. It won't be easy because she has an army of henchmen at her disposal, but it will be fun and challenging.

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