Chapter Five

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Eva said, "Why don't I go out and party and then maybe I'll see who the mystery man or woman is sending me the letters?" when she thought she had had enough of this.

"So, later that evening, she and a few friends went to a drag queen club, where men were lip-synching while dressing as women.

She decided to dance with everyone in the club, even though there were only 100 people there. She didn't care if there were more than 1000 people there. When she did that, she reached into each man's back pockets and found a note addressed to MB from one of the guys. She was shocked and asked, "Are you the one who is in cahoots with MB or are you just the delivery boy?"

"A shadow appeared walking behind the stage where the queens come out of Eva followed the shadow to the back they looked shocking add her they were astonished by her features on how beautiful she was one of the queens said "you ever think about taking up a career in drag? " The man, shockingly white as a ghost, frantically stumbled over his words and said "I I don't know where that's from it must have slipped inside my pocket when I was getting a drink at the bar."

"How was tonight only for one night?" she asked, smiling.

" So she did the incomprehensible she was dressed as a cross dresser however she was fairly partial to it.

She was on stage when she saw one person semi-leave the crowd of about 100 people. She jumped off the stage to catch the person so she could call the police and arrest him or her. She was going to solve this once and for all, but when she opened the back door, he or she was gone and was driving the car as fast as a lightning bolt. She couldn't even get the license plate number in the car because of how fast he or she was going.

She went back inside, took off her make-up, took off her wig, and changed. She might not have known that he was either a criminal or the right person at the right time...

She told her friends, "I didn't find him, let's go home." As they drove home, she noticed that someone was speeding behind them, and she wondered, "Could this be it?"

Could this be the end of us, or even worse, my own life?

I'm going to be killed on a 19 by a killer I don't even know I'm trying to figure out the activity of because I have so much to live for and so little time to do so!

"I was when she returned to the boys' house. When she opened her closet, she discovered an invitation addressed to Martha Bloomberg.

She considered, "Could this be it?

Could I win in the end?

Is the murder mystery now over for good?

When she opened it, the words "You have to do better than that sweetheart" were written on it.

You'll have to look harder if you want to find me, and I'll make you work for it. I won't give it to you on a silver platter like you've been given things all your life; you'll have to work for everything I give you-MB."

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