8. Fight in The Academy

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"Give, but don't allow yourself to be used. Love, but don't allow your heart to be abuse. Trust, but don't be naive. Listen, but don't lost your own voice"

 Listen, but don't lost your own voice"

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"FAMILY MEETING, IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Luther called out as Jane walked into the Academy.

She saw Diego walking down the stairs but stopping once he saw her "Hey" he said "Hey" Jane said "What are you doing here, Silver lady?" he asked, stepping closer to her "Five asked me polite to hang out here" she answered "Well, that was nice of him" he said sarcastically "He told me that I shall try and get to know you guys, cause all I know is the stories Five have told me and the little bit I found out when I met you and also what I know from reading Vanya's book" she said "Well, you are welcome to stay. Come on" he said, going towards the living room "Where we going?" she asked "To the living room. There is a family meeting" he said "But I'm not family" Jane said "I know, but just try and attempt, beside I think I will be able to handle Luther more if I know that a badass like you is there to cut his fingers off if he go overboard and also I think it will keep Luther in his place" he said and she let out a small chuckled.

"Come on" Diego said before he was about to take her hand but she quickly moved it away, like she was scared "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" he said, holding up his hands "I'm not scared, I just don't like people touching me" she said "It's okay, you have issues and trauma, we all have, which is why you will fit in. Just come" he said before walking towards the living room.

Jane took a deep breath before she also entered the living room.

"What are you doing here?" Luther asked, pointing at her as all the siblings was in the living room "Five asked her to hang out here" Diego said "It's just for three hours and then I will leave again" she said "This is a family meeting, she is not welcome here" Luther said "She is Five's partner. Beside I want her here" Diego said, defending Jane.

"I don't want to be here either, dick" Jane said, looking at Luther but then he grabbed her collar "LUTHER, WHAT THE HELL" Diego shouted and was about to do something but Jane lifted up her left hand, stopping him.

"Let go of me" Jane said "Or what? What are you gonna do?" Luther asked "Look down" Jane said and Luther looked down and as soon as he looked down his eyes widened "Oh" he said "Yeah, so if you don't let go before I count to three. Something you really don't like is gonna happen" she said and Luther immediately let go of her and Jane removed her hunting knife before she put it on the holster that was just below her back and she pulled her shirt over the holster, so you couldn't see it.

"Well, I don't want her here. So we vote, who vote for her to leave" Luther said before lifting his hand and Allison let out a sigh as she also lifted up her hand.

"Alright, and who voted her to stay" Diego said before he immediately raise his hand "I like her" Klaus said, raising his hand.

The others then turned to look at Vanya "I know how it feels, feeling unwanted and I don't want Jane to feel like that. So I vote for her to stay" she said and Jane sent them a nod before she looked at Luther "It seems I'm staying. So live long and suck it, dickhead" Jane said and Diego chuckled.

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