He try to make his brother proud

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(Vivek these days really busy in his office work.. And now he knows prince also doing good in his study, prince always does the study properly, getting good marks in every test... So vivek is feeling little relief by prince side... But because of that he forgot that he is his brother.. Most of the time he spends his time in room doing his office work..prince is also busy in his study he is in 12th std..and final exam will come after one month so he is working hard)

(At morning )

Vivek : so how's going your reading vacation prince, are you going to tution classes regularly?

Prince : Ahh.. Yes bhai they are saying they'll take skme extra classes now in morning and in evening too.

Vivek : Humm that's good.

Prince : Also bhai my school choosed me for running race..there is a competition between some school.. I'll represent my school.

Vivek : Really? That's such a good news prince (he help prince's hand with happiness)I'm so proud of you.

Prince : Thank you bhai.. But bhai for that my sport teacher will coach me every morning in my school ground for two or three hours..

Vivek : Sure.. Give your best bro. That's so good.

(Next day prince woke up at 6:00AM.. And he got panicked )

Prince : Oh My God.. I have to be ready in 5minutes I'm already late for coaching.. Sir will scold me he is so strict about punctuality.

(He got ready so fast and came down...)

Uncle : prince your breakfast is ready... Wait... Son... Son.. Please.. Wait..

(Uncle was calling him from behind but prince ran towards the car and left for school )

(In the school... Prince saw his coach is waiting for him.. Prince went to his sir..)

Prince : I'm so sorry sir for coming late.

Coach : (he start to scold prince) You're 15minutes late are you serious? I was waiting here for fifteen minutes, where the hell were you? Hunnn? You know that i hate late comers...

Prince : Sir actually.. I..

Coach : I don't want to listen any accuses prince.. Go and run around this whole ground for fifteen times..Go

(Prince Start to run.. And after 15 rounds he is so tired.. And then his practice started.. After that practice Prince couldn't even walk properly he was so tired..)

Prince : (he watched his watch.. And again he ran...)

Oh God let's go home fast Uncle.. Otherwise I'll be late for tution classes.

(He came to home and only thirteen minutes left for tution.. He changed his clothes and again went to tution )

(Uncle ran behind him..)

Uncle : God this kid...why he is like that.. He is running all the time.. I hope he had breakfast in school canteen. I'll ask him later.

(After finish his classes prince came to home at 1PM, he sat on the sofa..)

Uncle : water Mr.Busy boy..you must be hungry.. Let's eat.

Prince : Uncle please do one thing, come to my room with lunch i need some rest.. (He said in sad voice )

Uncle : Ahh.. Sure... Dear.

(Prince went to his room and Uncle went to the kitchen.. After some time Uncle opened Prince's room's door )

Uncle : Oh no he is sleeping.. Poor my son is so tired maybe.. Let him sleep.. I'll feed him later then.

(He caressed Prince's hair, kissed his forehead and left the room)

(After 2hour prince got up and went down..)

Prince : Uncle give me something I'm so hungry.. Please only milk or something i don't want to eat something..lunch time is already passed.

Uncle : Ok but.. Did you have breakfast today ?

Prince : no uncle in fact i got punishment from my coach for being late..(he lowered his head and start to say whole story..)

Uncle : God my poor kid..are you ok..? How you feel now.. Do you want to eat something should i make any snacks for you?

Prince : no Uncle milk is enough I'm already not feeling well.

Uncle : should i call the doctor?

Prince : no no maybe I'm tired little bit so feeling weak nothing serious.

Ok Uncle I've to pack my bag I've a evening classes I'll come at 7:00PM maybe..

Uncle : ok... Take care.

(Prince running here and there just like this schedule since three days he is skipping his rest time..because of this busy schedule he is not having food properly..)

Prince : (at night) Why i feel so weak.. Should i call uncle..? No no he will be scare, i should call brother.. No no bhai these days working so hard he must be sleeping...

Ahhh i can't even get up... Why?
Why everything is moving in circle.. Wait.. I'm feeling dizzy.. I think i should sleep I'll ve fine tomorrow..

(Prince covered his face with pillow he is suffering from such a hard headache.. He is trying to sleep... After some minutes he fell in sleep..)

(In morning )

Prince : oh God I've to go school but this headache.. Ahhh.. It's too painful.. My eyes are dozing off.. Let me go to Uncle..

(Prince is feeling dizzy he don't have stability in his body, his legs are shaking.. He is coming to down stairs..)

Prince : Uncle.. Uncle (he shouted..)

Uncle : (he cam out from the kitchen ) yes son.. Oh my God son are you ok?(Uncle ran towards to prince and held prince in his arm)

Prince : No I'm not well Uncle I'm feeling dizzy, i.. I.. (And prince fainted in uncle's arm)

Uncle : Vivek Vivek... (Uncle yelled vivek's name)

(Vivek came out of his room and ran towards the voice and came down)

Uncle : (he is crying ) vivek prince.. Prince.. Please do something... Please.. Look he.. Please..

Vivek :(vivek lost his all the senses after see prince like that.. After few second he realised)
What happened to him.. Come uncle.. Let me hold him you go and bring the car keys.. I'm going to the car please fast..

(Vivek took prince on his shoulder and ran towards to the car. Uncle came with keys a d they all sat on the car.. Uncle trying to wake up prince but he is not opening his eyes.. Vivek having tears in his eyes.. He is so scared..they went to the hospital.. And immediately doctor admitted prince )

(After checking prince doctor came to vivek )

Doctor : Don't cry.. Your brother is perfectly alright.. It happens when one person takes too much tension and stress. Also his body is so weak.. Maybe he is not having his meal on time.. Or he is skipping it.. Is it true Mr. Vivek..

(Vivek looked at uncle )

Uncle : yes doctor these days he is so busy in study and some other activities and because of that he was not having meal properly..

Doctor : Ahhh.. Kids always does that.. He is so weak right now, he need some rest. And don't worry because of that weakness he had headache and fever so he fainted.. After few hours He will come to his senses. And today we will keep him here for observation, you can take him home tomorrow.

Vivek : sure doctor thanks.. Thanks a lot...

(Vivek and uncle took deep breath in relief and both sat beside prince )

Uncle : This all happened because of me.. I had to feed him forcefully.. (He is looking at Prince and crying )

Vivek : what a bad brother I'm i didn't even know my little kid was taking too much stress.. I'm feeling so angry on my self today.

(They both held prince hand and looking at him with teary eyes.. After some time prince opened his eyes slowly )

Prince : bh.. Bhai.. Un.. Uncle ... Where are we...?..

My brother My Hero (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now