~Chapter 4~

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"Y/N, how long have you been going to apologize to these people?" Draken asks you as you walk down the street towards the first address.

"Ummm... How long have I known you guys?" You joke as they look at you.

"Forget that, What the hell did she mean when she said try not to get hurt." Mikey barges in, with a really concerned look on his face.

"Aw, Mikey, are you worried about me?" You tease, trying to change the subject.

"No, sorry, you can't get out of this one. Answer his question Y/N" Mitsuya quickly gets the conversation back on track.

"You suck Mitsuya, Can't you just let it go, just this once?" You plead, already knowing they were going to demand an answer. "Anyway, sometimes the families get upset and take out their frustration on me. You've seen the marks before, but I always tell you guys I fell down the stairs or something like that, at this point I don't know how you guys keep falling for that." You laugh as you awkwardly rub the back of your neck. "But, I want you to promise me something, no matter what happens today, you won't get in the way. Ok boys?"

"But, N/N, why would you be ok with that?" Mikey asks, looking a little pissed.

"Mikey, these people's lives have been turned upside down, they care about the people you hurt, and I know you aren't ever going to stop fighting, and I'm ok with that, but you still have to apologize, cleaning up your own messes, right?" You smile at them sweetly.

"But N/N..." Mikey says in a low whisper.

"Her mind is already made up, we might as well go with her to make sure she's ok." Draken warns, feeling bad for the poor girl who took responsibility for his and his friend's actions.

"Hey Draken, don't worry about it ok? I don't want you to feel bad because of me, I chose to do this and I want to do it, so don't feel bad." You give him a reassuring smile.

"Sometimes, it's really like you can read my mind."

"That's because I've known you all for so long, I can tell what you're thinking, just by looking at you." 


You turn to the boys, "Ok, we're here, don't do anything stupid and just follow my lead." You warn as you knock on the door.

"Hello... Who are you guys." A man and his wife answer the door.

You bow before the couple, "I am here to apologize on behalf of the Tokyo Manji gang. We are so sorry for what happened to your son." You tell them without looking up, you motion for the guys behind you to do the same. They unhappily obliged, with the exception of Mikey, whom Draken had to force to bow.

"So you are the assholes you got our son admitted to the hospital!" The older man yells as he begins to hit you over the head, throwing punch after punch. You don't move and you don't say anything, warning the guys behind you not to as well.

Then you felt something cold and hard hit your head. The old man had found a metal pipe to use. You could feel blood dripping down your face but you still didn't move. You could hear the man sobbing while his wife begged him to stop.

Mikey stood there with his eyes wide, he was about to stop the man but you shouted at him. "Manjiro Sano, don't you dare take even one step forward, otherwise I will put you in the hospital personally." You flash him a look that makes him freeze in his tracks.

The old man finally breaks down and falls to the ground as you slowly begin to stand, blood staining your face. "Sir, I know we can never atone for what we have done, but I hope you will accept this apology." You smile at the couple, as they look at you with shocked looks on their faces.

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault, so why do you stick around these guys?" The woman asks me with a pity filled look on her face.

"Why? Well, I feel the same way about them as you do for your son. I would do anything for them, even if they are morons. They are the only family I have, and I wouldn't trade them for anything." You send a closed eye smile towards the couple. "I was wondering, do you have any young children running around here?"

The couple seemed absolutely shocked but answered your question. "Yes we do, why do you ask?"

"Well I have some candies for them In a bag if they want them." At this point everyone is looking at you like you are absolutely insane but you offer the bag anyway.

"Thank you Ms, You have absolutely no clue what this meant to us. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts." The older couple smiles as the group walks away. 

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