Alter The Perfectly Fine

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My eyes snapped open and darkness greeted me. My small body felt like it was going to be engulfed in it. If it weren't for the quiet snores of the other boys I would have thought I was alone.

I sit up and look around the warehouse. Boys were piled on top of each other, limbs spralled and not a single blanket to keep any of them warm. It was winter in District 14 and it was cold. Colder than the hands of the death sometimes. No matter what problems the boys had with each other during the morning, they would always lay close to each other at night so as not to get frostbitten or hypothermia. Pillows were also scarce. The District had the funding for it but until you proved your worth (which many never did) than any niceties were refused.

My pupils were dilated and trying to adjust to the darkness so I could figure out what woke me up but then the only single door opened and controlled light shone in on the wall. I squinted but when I saw the posture, the stiff stance, and cruel scowl my blood froze in fear.

Mr Lecter used his height to look down at all of the boys at District 14 never did he smile unless it was whipping day when the boys would be tied to posts and taught never to show pain. He had evil in his walk, cruelty in his eyes, and a sinful flex of his neck that all boys knew meant nothing good could come of it.

I collapsed back into bed as quickly as I had gotten up, desperately playing dead so the man with the eyes of a monster didn't see me and cut off my fingers for the fun of it.

My breathing became uncontrolled and raspy as I tried to calm down. My hands were shaking so I pushed them hard into the ground until the knuckles became white. I heard footsteps and the orders Mr Lecter shot out at the other scientists in lab coats.

"Get that one! Leave the runt behind." His voice came out as a whip that would leave scars and fear was the only thing keeping me from flinching at ever sound.

When I opened my eyes, too scared to kepe them shut anymore, I saw one of the older boys staring at me. If his eyes weren't open I wouldn't have known he was awake. His body rose and fell with fake calm breathing and his face was calm. It made me wonder just how long he had been awake.

"Cedric." He whispered under his breath. My heart was pounding so loud I barely heard him. I was hyperventilating now, close to crying.

If Mr Lecter was here, at night no less, we were in trouble. We were so in trouble that not a single should would make it out without life long trauma. There would be two weeks of silence after tonight. No one would talk to each other, it would be numb in the air and fear would stink so bad that it would make some throw up.

"Cedric!" The older boy whispered harsher this time and my eyes finally snap to him. "Count breaths." He said, his voice so calm it felt like a sin. I couldn't understand how this older boy could be so calm. I was nine, maybe when I'm older I will understand but for now, how?

"Count breaths." He said again, letting out an exhale and closing his eyes, looking the picture of sleep.

My breathing was going so fast that I could hardly count it. When I got to thirteen I finally got control of myself.

15..inhale...16...exhale.. 17... Inhale...18-

"Nineteen!" Mr Lecter's voice made me flinch. "That is only nineteen! Where is the twentieth?" He sneered.

"Sir, you only asked for nineteen." One of the scientist's voice says in confusion.

I could hear the venom in Lecter's tone as he said "Do you think I would mention this now if I had asked for nineteen?! Get. Another."

There was a scurry around and I almost held my breath when a scientist approached the pile of boys I was near.

I felt the man's presence as and couldn't stand it any longer!

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