Walk It Off

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I push the door to Katniss's house open and throw my bag to the side.

"Kat!" I yell as I stomp in and run up the stairs.

I quickly scan the rooms but not finding them upstairs I head back down.

I hear a yell in the kitchen and speed walk into the room where I see Katniss's family plus Hamitch and Peeta, all huddled around Gale who was on the table bleeding all over the counter. His back was slashed open by whips and I relax a little. For a moment I thought it was serious.

I walk over and see that Gale had snow on his back. Everyone was calming down. I must have missed the storm.

Peeta turned and he and Haymich scurried out the back door without seeing me.

Prim and her mother left with them and I walked over to Katniss.

"What happened to him?" I ask as I eye his back. Gale was currently falling in and out of consciousness so I didn't bother asking him.

Katniss was slightly startled at my presence but recovered quickly to say "The Capitol sent guards to restrict what little we already have. Gale stood up for a woman but they used him as an example."

Gale woke up to groan at the pain as he tried to move.

"Don't move." Katniss said as she tried to hold him down but he was moving.

She turned to me. "Say something to him."

"Like what?" I ask as I grab a mug from the cabinet and fill it up with the boiling water from the kettle.

"Something to help him" She pleaded.

I glance back at him as I add herbs to my cup.

"Walk it off." I say. She scowled. "What?" I ask.

She glared at me "What would you say to your men if this happened to them?"

This did happen to us. It happened all the time. Not even because we did something wrong but as pain tolerance training. I got hit so much I hardly even had a back. I have scars all over my backside and legs.

I shrug and take a sip of the tea I made.

"I'd tell them to walk it off." I reply.

Katniss looked to busy to be angry at my reply.

I set my cup down and walk over to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Givjnf him sweet relief" I say as I lift my hand. "He'll thank me later."

I bring my hand down hard on a pressure point that makes his eyes roll back.

"What did you do?!" She yelled as she clutched his face.

"Relax" I say as I flick his blood off of my hand. "He's unconscious and will be like that for maybe an hour. The boys in my district used to do it when we had to tend to wounds and the boys were tool stubborn to get themselves fixed."

She frowned at me.

"Cedric" She started.

"Katniss" I reply as I bring the cup to my mouth.

She looked hesitant. "Why are you here? Did the Capitol not send guys to your district?"

I shrug "They tried but I'm not worried. I came because I need to tell you something."

"What?" She asked.

I than take in her state. She's tired, she's a mess, saying something like the Hunger Games is back on and we're heading back in wouldn't be desirable in her state.

I shrug "Nothing that can't be said in the morning." I walk to the door. "I'm going to be sleeping with Peeta. I'm assuming you'll be sleeping in here?"

She nodded and sat down on a stool.

I nodded back and walked out of the room.

I grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and yeet it at her.

It hit her head hard.

"Cedric!" She yelled but I was already out.

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