Chapter 21: I'm Sorry Kid

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We've been driving for hours now; I don't know where we are but its somewhere out in the country. Macy and I still haven't spoken since we got in the car, we know we'll have to eventually, but I don't think either of us are ready yet, and honestly I don't know if I ever will be.

The car slows down as we reach a metal gate which she gets out to swing open, before getting back in the car to drive through just enough to get out and close it behind her. We then make our way down the dirt road, and I can see a small farmhouse at the end of it. The lights are on and as we get closer, I can see an older woman sat on the porch, as small boy sat upon her knee bouncing excitedly.

"Where's daddy?!" the excited boy squealed looking around for Luke, as he pulls the older woman towards the car. I look at Macy guiltily "I'll do it, don't worry" she says sadly, "Hi my love" she says climbing out of the car catching the boy in her arms "How's my gorgeous man been?" she asks kissing his head and lifting him onto her hip. He goes to say something but spots me in the passenger seat and suddenly becomes shy hiding his face in his mother's chest "Who's that?" he whispers to Macy. "That is your Aunty Y/n, Ethan. You remember her from daddy's stories?" and he nods the energy that had left him suddenly re-emerged as he wiggles in his mothers' arms telling her he wants down. As soon as he's back on the ground he quickly makes his way over to me "Hi" he says with his head tilted slightly "Hey little man" I respond.

"Are you going to get out of the car?" he asks, to which I laugh and nod gesturing him to move back so I can climb down. Which I do and he clings to my leg and says, "Did you bring daddy too?" my heart breaks and tears fill my eyes but before he can notice Macy speaks up telling him to head inside and set the table for dinner.

"Hi, I'm Diedre, Macy's mom" the older woman says as I make my way over,

"Y/n" I say reaching my hand out, but she declines almost immediately saying

"I'm a hugger, come here" she says extending her arms, I fight back the erge to flinch at the contact. We finally make our way inside to see a very excited little boy sat up tall in his seat in the dining room, my eyes scan the table realising it was set for five. "Bud there's only four people here, can you pop the spare cutlery away" Diedre asks her grandson who looks at her confused.

"There's one for me, one for gan gan, one for aunty y/n, one for mommy and one for daddy." He says counting each place setting proudly. "Buddy, Daddy's not coming home" Macy says gently, but Ethan still seems confused "Is he coming back later?" he asks trying to piece everything together.

"No, he's not" Macy says fighting back tears trying to be strong for her son, "He isn't coming back ever" and my nephew doesn't say another word, he just runs off to what I assume is his room, and we hear a door slam, and Macy stands up to follow.


Its been half an hour and Macy has been unsuccessful as she tried to get her son to open the door, Diedre and I are sat in the living room talking about what happened when Macy walks in "He wants y/n" Macy says sweetly taking a seat beside me, "you obviously don't have to but I'm sure he'd want to get to know his aunt, I explained to him what happened but he wont talk to me" she says and I nod and as much as I don't want to see him I know I should "His room's down the hall and to the left" Diedre points


"Hey kid" I say knocking on the door "Can I come in?" I ask and stand there waiting for response and the door opens a crack peaking out "hey Ethan" I say gently, and he opens the door and pulls me in quickly closing the door behind me "don't let mommy or gan gan come in" he whispers, i'm confused but I nod anyway. He takes a seat on the floor playing with trains a recognised from my childhood, Luke kept them, my eyes scanned the rest of the room eventually falling on a photo of Luke, mom, dad and I from my 8th birthday.

I never realised Lukey was the sentimental type, I walk over to pick up the frame when Ethan says "that's daddy's favourite, he gave it to me before he went to get you" my eyes water at his words whilst I trace my fingers over the photo, it's slightly charred at the corners but overall, in pretty good condition.

I place the photograph down again and sit beside my nephew who's focused on his trains "that one was my favourite" I say pointing at the purple train cart in his hands "daddy liked that one too" he said.

"Is it true?" he asks eyes still focused on the toys in front of him. "Is daddy not coming home?" I can hear in his voice he's trying not to cry, God this kid's like his father.

"i'm sorry kid" I say ruffling his hair carefully, without saying a word he jumps into my arms breaking down in tears.


Fuck it feels so mean, poor Ethan. Here's another chapter, the team doesn't know y/n's back yet what do you think will happen when they find out? As always leaves your thoughts ideas and whatever.

Wordcount: 945

Later, Laur <3

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