Chapter 17: это будет твой конец

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Nats Pov:

They've taken her, like actually taken her. I don't know if they just took her captive or killed her, and I think that's the worst part, not knowing.

Y/n Pov:

My first mission and I've already been taken by HYDRA, am I incompetent? Like what the actual hell, and by Luke the fuck? The guards are currently walking me down a long corridor each gate we pass through is solid metal and requires personnel authentication so there's no point in running and the walls are concrete so I can say with certainty my powers are of no use to me here.

As soon as I was thrown into the cell, I started looking around for any weak points, like a crack in the wall, a broken tile, or even simply a loose bolt. I begin my search in the bathroom, which I was surprised I even had, but I persisted and looked there anyway, checking the sink, the taps, the barred window, behind the toilet, but I eventually came up with nothing. Next i checked the bedroom the metal bedframe that had been drilled into the wall was installed properly; all of the screws were snug and there were no fractures to be seen. Fuck.

I lay on my bed in defeat, deciding that since I have nothing to do until someone visits me, I should probably just get some rest. As I reach beneath my pillow and prepare to be overtaken, I feel what appears to be leather. Though I really doubt it, you can never be too secure, so I quickly look over my shoulder in case a guard entered. I then took a book and three pencils out from under the pillow. I open it to see written in the cover 'I shouldn't be giving you this, but I fear you shall need it I don't know how long you'll be here for, and writing keeps the crazy away. There are only two hundred pages, so I suggest you write small. From: someone who has your back'

Some one who has your back? There's no way Nat could have done this, or anyone on the team for that matter. It could be Luke but why would it be him, he's the one that put me here in the first place and while it seems unlikely it'd have to be from one of the guards.

I don't think Nat would like it if I went 'crazy' so I guess I'll write in the book.


Diary entry: Day 1

Day 1 I thought, the guards would've spoken to me by now, but they haven't. If they do I'm not speaking. I miss Natasha and the team, I want to go home. Luke I HATE YOU.


Diary entry: Day 5

Things haven't changed, no sign of my brother


Diary entry: Day 8

Nothing has changed, except I am really FUCKING BORED. I still don't know who gave me this book, but I thank them because at least I have something to do.


Diary entry: Day 15

It appears they were just giving me a week to settle in, as the past few days were full of torture. They seem to think that brute force will lead me to giving them the information they need on the avengers, I wrote down the words the carved into my skin, they're in Russian so I don't know what they say but I'm picking up phrases from the guards, so I think I'll figure it out. All I can think about is Natasha, I hope she's ok. Still haven't seen luke


Day 10 Flash back

It is my first day I've been taken out of my cell, and I want to be upset as the guards practically dragged me by the ear down the chilly hallway, but I'm actually just relieved to see something other than the walls of my cell.

We arrive at what appears to be our destination, and they abandon me on a cold metal chair as I wait for whatever dreadful activity they have planned to.

"Well, well, the avengers couldn't save you my Огненный (Fiery) one. Or maybe they just didn't want to?" Says I tall partially bald man whilst entering the room. Men always left me uncomfortable but this guy's vibe is on a whole different level.

"Now precious, if you don't talk we have many people who are, let's say equipped with the ability to make you do so" He said grinning, as two men much larger than he appeared in the door way, one holding a bag and the other with hands full of chords and clamps. This isn't going to be fun.

The next hour was filled with unimaginable pain, they had me hooked up to electrical equipment, whilst strapped to the metal chair I began in. They filled me with just enough volts to have my body convulse but not enough to leave me unconscious, while one of the men carved words I couldn't understand into my arms. это будет твой конец.


And another chapter down folks, i'll see you friday. As always leave your thoughts ideas and whatever.

Wordcount: 831

Later, Laur <3

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