Chapter 10: Happy Now?

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"Oh wow, ok, yeah" I stutter as we pull apart, god y/n pull yourself together "yeah?" she questions while I regain composure "yeah"

Holy shit. Natasha really just did that. I'm standing there covered in flour holding my hand to my lips. I finally collect myself and tidy up the kitchen before heading to the elevator.

I exit the elevator and all I hear is Yelena scream "THAT'S GREEN PETER. ARE YOU FUCKING COLOUR BLIND?" The hell? I enter the living room to see probably the most aggressive game of uno to ever be played, Yelena is smacking Peter, Kate is trying to wrestle Bucky to see his cards, and not getting anywhere due to Buck holding her back with his metal arm. While Wanda is just sitting in the circle with her head in her hands.

"CHILDREN, CHILDREN, CHILDREN. I leave the room for 5 minutes and all hell breaks loose, how?" I yell to get their attention as they all stop what they're doing and exchange glances before Yelena speaks up. "Yeah, well if you were here and not swapping spit with my sister this might not have happened" and I just look at her in complete shock. "BUCKY, WHAT THE HELL DUDE!" He said he wouldn't tell anyone I liked Nat, but I how would he even know what happened. "Hey! it wasn't me" he said holding his hands up. God this is chaos.

"He's right, the witch told me" Yelena state matter of factly and points to Wanda "YELENA" Wanda says glaring at the blonde as if to say shut the fuck up then looks at me apologetically "sorry, it's just your thoughts are SO LOUD, and it caught me off guard"

I sigh and go to sit down but spot Bucky looking at me with a shit eating smirk on his face as peter hands him $20 sneaky bastard. "In her defence it was sorta my fault she just gasped, and I forced it out of her" Yelena tells me with Kate nodding and Wanda still look guiltily at her hands

This is going to be a long night.

It's an hour later and we moved on from uno and are now playing go fish but a version we made up because we didn't know how to play where you collect kings and queens and you can steal them from other people with jesters, it doesn't make much sense but it's fun. I had 2 queens and a king and I just needed one more to win I look down at my cards and realise I had a jester behind my ace, so I put it down and take Yelena's king and i've won but before I can celebrate she slaps my thigh so had I swear it's going to bruise "YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU KISS MY SISTER THEN STEAL MY KING NO! I WON EVERYONE, Y/N'S ELIMINATED AND I GET HER CARDS"

"that's not how the game works Yelena get your sticky paws OFF MY CARDS" I yell taking them from her hands, which in hindsight it probably wasn't my best idea, "BITCH GIVE THOSE BACK, YOU CAN'T DATE MY SISTER AND WIN THE GAME IT'S NOT FAIR" and at that point I just gave up, "FINE Yelena YOU win. Happy now?" She just smirks and says "Yup"

We play a couple more games non less hectic than the others before we all split ways and head to bed, and i'm about to open the door when I hear Nat's husky voice behind me "I can't sleep, you busy?" I shake my head "Whatcha thinking" I ask proud that I didn't stutter. "Walk?" and I just nod as she leads the way, at first I though two women walking alone at nights probably not a good idea then I remembered I have powers and i'm with THE black widow.

We walk in silence for about ten minutes before I realised, I am not dressed for this, nat notices me shivering and hands me her jacket while smirking as I put it on and try to subtly smell her intoxicating vanilla scent with a slight tinge of cigarette smoke, but of course she notices. It's a leather jacket with a fluffy interior which I feel like describes nat perfectly, this badass powerful woman, but when you get to know her, she's one of the kindest people you'd know. You need at least someone like that in your life, and she's my one. Well not yet but i'm not letting her go anytime soon.

We walk for a while longer still in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company before nat becomes fidgety and visibly nervous and begins to speak "So. Um are you busy tomorrow or maybe I don't know Tuesday" She says while avoiding eye contact, I wanted to play it cool and wait a second but instead I blurted out "YEAH IM!.." I take a breath fuck play it cool Y/l/n "uh yeah i'm free whenever. I guess." good save, not. But she smiles and doesn't seem to mind the complete fuck up I just made "Do you wanna meet me out the front after breakfast" she says while finally looking me in the eye. "yeah" I say smiling "sounds good." With that we instinctively begin to head back to the compound, and once there we parted ways.

I get to my room and realise I still have her jacket, I honestly don't want to take it off, but I need to shower so I chuck it on my bed and head to the bathroom. I'm standing there is the scolding water and my hands ghost over my lips and my mind wanders back to the kiss we shared earlier tonight, the way her hair fell perfectly on the face, and how her eyes sparkled in the moon light on our walk, and the way her jacket smelt and how it perfectly fit me. I finally come back to reality and see the mirror steamed up and decide to get out i'll have a proper shower in the morning.

I change into an old t-shirt and slip under the covers, and as I roll over i'm met with her jacket and its perfect smell that leaves me so comfortable as I drift asleep. For once I feel at peace.

As always leaves thoughts, thanks for reading

Wordcount: 1047

Later Laur

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