Chapter 16: Truly Helping People

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Happy Friday People

Y/n's POV:

It's been a couple days and fury's been on my ass about the offer and honestly I just want to punch him in the face and tell him to leave me alone, but I wont do that, not yet anyway. Nat's been a little more understanding although she's still insisting, I accept it, so I'm going to take today to just clear my head and get away from all this shit. How am I going to do that you ask? I'm going driving.

I kiss Nat on the head before making my way down to the garage greeting people as I see them, then taking off on my bike. I'm taking the route aspen and I used to do on day trips it's a three-hour drive there and we'd take a break then drive three hours home, we always did it every couple months and I've missed it.

The wind threw my hair back as I take the first exit off the highway, she never saw the point taking the highway, so we always took the back roads. I used to be too impatient I used to tell her "If we take the freeway, we'll be there in like 2 hours", but Asp would always laugh it off saying "But look at all things you'd miss if you took it." she made me take time to appreciate the beauty in life, and I always loved her for that.

I've always felt a sort of comfort while out riding, because you can feel everything all at once. Every sound is louder, you can smell everything, feel the weather, glance down at your feet, and you feel in control. Riding a motorbike, in my opinion, is the closest thing to being completely free.


After a few hours, I arrive at the lookout, and as I go up the hill to the tree where we usually sat, my mind is finally clear. I take a seat and gaze out at the mountains in the distance; it's serene, and I can finally breathe. I'm leaning against the tree, fiddling with a twig in my fingers. "Asp, do you think I should do it?" I question "Could I truly help people, am I even capable of helping others?" I say while staring down at my feet. "I'm not helpful, I've never been helpful," I groan before continuing. "I'm just destructive, and I don't know what to do Asp, I just don't" I toss the twig from the mountain's side, watching it fall and settle safely on the ledge below, only for it to split in half not a second later.

I run my hand down my face fighting off the tears building in my eyes, "I can't" I mumble "I can't fucking do it" I say defeatedly

"You can, I know you can" I voice rasps from behind me, and I turn to see Nat standing beside her bike with her helmet under her arms. "I was worried, Trevor told me where to find you" she said answering the question I was about to ask as she made her way over sitting beside me and draping her arm over my shoulder and kissing it gently. "You are far more capable than you think, my love"


Its two weeks later and I've been training like crazy, we have a mission coming up and it seems pretty straight forward, but Steve says its best to be prepared so he has us all on a tight schedule Cardio and Core for 3hrs Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, and 4hrs of Swim and Bike Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, but 'he's not a monster' so we get Sundays of to just rest. Fury was ecstatic when I told him id be accepting his offer, well I think he was, he smirked so I'm taking that as a yes because that man DOES NOT SMILE. I swear to God he has no emotions sometimes.


Its mission day and we're all getting ready in the armoury, and Nat's prepping the quinjet. The flights only an hour so we don't have much down time, Nat has me up front with her while she pilots the aircraft, we get the occasional update from fury over the transmitter but overall the journey is pretty quiet until Steve speaks up "Alright people, the missions simple, Nat y/n you are on data retrieval, tony and I will handle any extra guards, Bruce will be in the jet and we will have Clint stationed outside the building. We all get that?" and he's met with a response of nods and yeps as we all started to prepare.

We exited the quintet as Steve said "Avengers, assemble" and we all headed of to our assignments. Nat and I ran through the halls as quietly as we could before we came upon a door labelled 'room 608' we entered slowly after turning on the light with our guns at the ready, I canvased the room while nat headed to one of the computers we seemed clear, so I went on to the next room leaving nat to collect the data.

As I headed to the next door lights flashed in my eyes and I was yanked into another room, stumbling after the person who grabbed me, I drew my gun holding it to the attacker only for them to turn around. It's Luke. I launched at him wrapping my arms around his waste, "oh my god i've missed you so much" I said against his chest before it clicked. Why is my brother in a hydra base, "i've missed you too y/n/n" he said as I felt a prick in my neck just before passing out.

I missed Tuesday due to uni being hectic, but we've got another chapter!! It's a day early because tomorrows going to be busy. But anyways what's going to happen to y/n? How will Nat React? As always leave you thoughts and ideas and I'll see you Tuesday.

Word count: 959

Later, Laur <3

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