Chapter 2: Kinky, I Like It

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Editing Laur here, i got half way through this chapter trying to change tenses but i really can't be arsed. Sorry 'bout that

Engines roaring, smoke bellowing, people cheering. This is home. "OI, TREV" you yell out as a short and stocky man struts up to you with a huge smile on his face. "hey man what's up, so that chick you set me up with the other night ... lesssslie?". He quirked an eyebrow and looked at you like you were stupid, which you may be but its still offensive. "yeah Lexi" he stated in matter of fact tone you snapped your fingers "thats it" he stood there as if waiting for you to go on but you didn't, you just stood there like a chicken so he spoke up "yeah, nice bird what about her" he shrugged "you forgot to mention the fact that chick was wild" you said waiving your hands around "I thought you liked it like that" he says "Trevor, Trevor, Trevor, When i say i like it rough i mean im down for most things, hair pulling, biting, choking, bondage, blindfolds" i say befor being cut off "yeah yeah get to point y/n" he sighs. "fine, im down for most things but piss and shit is off the table man. OFF. THE. TABLE. and i generally like to end the night with my clothes not shredded, look at this" you threw the mangled shirt in his face. "Hey she told me she liked to have fun in the bedroom, she didn't specify what kind, she seemed nice enough and stop with the kink shaming man" yoy just stood there looking at him in disbelief, usually when he'd set yoy up he'd do a check in rather than just throw whichever chick yoyr way.

"Anyway y/n...... the race is 'bouta start how bout we get you ready". He knows he's not going to win so tries to changes the subject. This man really has no shame, but you let it go because you've been waiting for this race for weeks. Bueno your rival, is finally back in Newyork. He's been out of the country for the past six months racing in Amsterdam thinking he's top shit, he plays dirty so yoy guys play dirtier. Over the years you've learnt all his tricks, and you're ready, new engine, new powerglide gear (spent nearly 2 grand on that by the way). He's going down.

you and trevor walk out back, you've been away for 2 weeks so he's kept your baby safe. "please tell me you're not gonna kiss it again" he states while rolling his eyes "Excuse you, if you had spent as much money and time on a car you would kiss it too" you said while squaring him up "and how much of that 'time' was spent hooking up with chicks. I'm sure that car has seen things it can't unsee. You should just give it to me before you cause anymore trauma" he states cockily now it was your turn to roll your eyes "Nice try Trev, there is no way i am ever going to give this bad boy away, and anyway what happens in my car is my business, not yours" i say as i wink and walk up to my car. "God i missed you" you say while kissing the hood "Yeah missed you too i love you so much y/n please never leave me again" Trev says with a whiny teasing voice. "Shut up asshat, my car doesn't sound like that. Do you baby?" you say while uncovering the rest of the car. "What a beauty" I sigh and stand back for a second with a smirk, that car really is my proudest possession. "Are we gonna get you ready because i really don't want to stand here watching you get a hard on for a car" Trev chuckles, before he groans as i punch him in the shoulder. "

After fixing the car up and getting into my gear we head to the starting line. I sigh contently. It's good to be back. I'm about to put my helmet on when i get a kiss on the cheek, I turn to see a familiar face Aspen "Hey smith" i say cockily pulling her into an intense kiss. "Hey Y/l/n" she says with a smirk. "I'm glad you're back Trev's been driving me mad, he's been following me like a lost puppy since you've been gone. Said he was missing his 'bestfriend'. I missed you" she chuckles. "I missed you too, how bout when this is over i take you back to mine" i ask hopefully "you're wish is my command" she say sarcastically "I'm heading over to the stands I'll see you when you're done" she says before kissing my cheek one last time and i watch her purple hair disappear into the crowd. i take a moment to breath before i look over to my opponent. Bueno. "YOU READY FOR ME TO BEAT YOUR ASS Y/L/N" He yells over the crowd and roaring engines. "YOU WISH YOU COCKY MOTHER FUCKER, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" I yell back we get into our cars and look over at each other and i throw up my middle finger but all he does is laugh and shake his head. The countdown starts 5! 4! 3! and then just stops. the track is suddenly filled with armed men. "SHIT THE FEDS!" i yell out to Trevor i go to back up but i look out my rear view mirror to see a women standing there. She's hot, was the first thought that came to my mind then i noticed her uniform and realised she's one of them, and before i know it she's leading me into the back room for what i assume is questioning. But i wouldn't complain if it was something else if you know what i mean.

"So tell me what you know about Alex Garcia" I look at her dumbfounded, I usually have to pretend i don't know what they're talking about but this time i really was at a loss. "Who?" She rolls her eyes "there's no need to play dumb we know you know him. you were literally about to race him. Illegally might i add, so talk and we might let you go". "wait Bueno's real name is Alex. HAH loser, what do wanna know" i say still chuckling hah Alex the 'almighty Bueno' is called Alex no way. "There's been word that he's been working or at least aiding an organisation called hydra. We want to bring him in for good and we need information on him." I look at her theres no way he's got the guts to work with the most feared orginisation in the world "Bueno. Hah no, he's a douchebag with a superiority complex not some big bad evil and trust me nothing bout him is big if you know what I'm saying" I wink and nudge the woman and expecting a response maybe a chuckle, maybe head shake at least an eyeroll, but nothing. Stone cold expression. Some people really have no sense of humor, honestly. "So, if that's all you came here to ask, I've got a question. When do you get off work, maybe I could take you out for drive?" I ask. There it is an eyeroll, not when I wanted it but whatever. So, I try again "A drink?" she sighs "ooorrr... we could skip all that and head... back to mine?" I say extenuation the or hoping to ease the tension of the question. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Now I know you did not just offer a hook-up to my agent... Y/L/N, i had a feeling I'd run into you again." a voice bellows from behind me, why does that voice sound familiar. I look back up at the agent just to see the word SHIELD embroidered on her chest. No way, no, what the actual fuck. I take a deep breath in while figuring out the best plan of action. I could either burn the place to the ground, which is clearly not an option with my car in the garage next to us, I could leave another hologram which may work but I've used that trick before and I don't want to risk showing the agent, it's bad enough I showed him already. Or I turn around and face the music, if I don't, he'll probably find me later anyway. I sigh and turn around to see exactly who I expected 'Mr Director Fury' fucking fantastic. I Put on a very fake smile and chuckle "Director Fury!" I say through gritted teeth "what a pleasure to see you again 'Sir'" I mock and drop the smile as a say sir repressing the urge to gag. "It's bad enough you slept with my niece I'm not having you galivanting around sleeping with all the women in my life." I stifle a laugh before saying "With all due respect sir by saying 'women in your life' it's making it sound like you're married to them" I snigger. "Alright that's it, Hill cuff her!" the agent who I now know as hill comes up and cuffs me, I assume they've got the place surrounded so theirs no point in running now. "I make one comment and that makes me a criminal" fight back, and he smacks me in the back of the head on his way past, with hill and I following. "What the hell dude, not fair. You can't hit me when I can't hit you back." I yell hoping for reaction, for him to yell or come hit me again. But no he just turns slowly and says, "I'm in charge I can do what I want" and with that they walk me out sit my in the back of a van and he leaves. "Ass" I whisper, not realising agent Hill was still there, and she smacks me on the back of the head. "HEY!" I shout and try to wack her back forgetting I was cuffed so I just fall to the floor. Five minutes ago, I thought I might get fuck out of her now I'm squirming around on the floor with cuffs on my hands while she watches chuckling to herself. "Are you gonna help or just sit there laughing your ass off" I snark. "Oh, hah. I'm pretty good here, smart ass." Really, she's really not going to help. Great I'll do it myself.

After a good two minutes of struggling, I finally found myself sitting upright, looking down at my cuffs I chuckle and look up at hill "You know if you wanted to see me in cuffs tonight there were other ways you could've gone about it" I say then wink. And with that she gently kicks me over and I'm back where I started face down ass up. "I'm pretty good with this view thanks" She smirks to herself. Luckily after last time I figured out how to get up with ease and sat by her. "So 'Hil'' what's ya real name?" I ask half actually interested and half just wanting to annoy her. "Hill, that's all you're getting if you ask again, you'll get more then a smack to the head" she spits out "Kinky, I like it"

And We're back. This chapter took longer than it should've but hey its here now. Feel free to leave your thoughts or ideas.

Wordcount: 1882

Later, Laur

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