25. New year

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Christmas was short lived. We went home Boxing Day night after being stuffed full of food. I promised to keep everyone informed on any developments and scans and gave them permission to tell the rest of the family and their friends about their upcoming grandchild.

'It was wonderful to meet you.' I told them as we hugged goodbye.

'You too, love.' Isla grinned.

'Thank you so much for everything, I had such a great time.'

'You're very welcome. Come over anytime, if Daniels away and you need anything, you know where we are.' Rod told me. I didn't want to leave. Because it also meant that Dan was leaving the next morning. He would be away for two weeks on the other side of the world. And I didn't want him to go.

'I wish you could stay for new year.' I told him as we brought our bags in from the car.

'Me too.' He confessed. We were both pretty tired from the amount of food we'd consumed over the last few days. And the excitement of Christmas had worn me out. I headed to my room to rest for a moment, planning on helping Dan get packed for New Zealand. But once my eyes shut, there was no waking back up.

He was already gone in the morning when I got up. His room was empty, his suitcase gone, and by the front door his shoes were missing. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. I hadn't even told him goodnight never mind goodbye. But there was a note beside the kettle.

'Didn't want to wake you before I left. Thanks for a great Christmas. Sorry I can't be here for new year but I promise when I get back we'll do something special. Take care and I'll see you in two weeks. Dan x'

It was a long two weeks. Though he rang and messaged me a few times a day it wasn't the same as having him here. Is this what it would always be like? Only, I'd have a baby to look after too, alone. I hung out with Ben and the band in the studio most days. Between hospital appointments and shopping trips. The baby's room was beginning to fill. I'd bought some tiny socks and vests, as well as some toys. Dan and I had been looking for a cot together by sending pictures over the phone. We decided on white wood. Not knowing what sex the baby was made it hard to decide on most things.

I could hardly contain my excitement the day he was home. I'd paced the house, counting down the minutes checking my phone every few minutes. He surprised me though by arriving an hour early as I heard the front door shut while I sat in the kitchen eating Nutella out of the jar with a spoon. I sat still, pretending I wasn't about to burst.

When he came into the room, my face began to hurt from containing a giant grin to match his.

'Christ.' He muttered, looking down at my stomach. 'Look at that little bump.' I laughed, continuing to spoon Nutella into my mouth. I hadn't exactly noticed the small mound now protruding over my jeans, but I had noticed it was getting harder to button them up. 'New craving?'

'Yup.' I laughed.

'Hows it going?'

'Hrumph.' I sighed. Did he really need to know about the hemorrhoids I'd acquired? Or how I could no longer sleep on my front so was finding it hard to actually get to sleep? Or that I had cried at an advert for baby milk that morning? 'Good.' I lied. And then I couldn't hold it in anymore. I abandoned my snack and threw my arms around him. He smelt so good. He felt so good.

'Missed you.' He told me.

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