31. Gift

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I am so sorry guys, I've been a rubbish writer recently! I fell behind with actually writing and then when I did post, there were mistakes all over the place! But I promise now I will go back to posting often (And properly!) and again, sorry x


A few days passed and life continued on. Thomas rang me, as promised, and we arranged to met up again for coffee. I felt somewhat torn. Here was this amazing guy who seemed to like me, despite my current condition, and I liked him too. A lot. But then there was Dan. Who was equally amazing. But I didn't want to go complicating our weird, but also weirdly not weird, relationship. And just when I thought my mind was made up with what I wanted to do, Dan dropped a little bomb right in my hand.

'Here.' Dan handed me a small box as we sat down at a café near the studio. He'd gone off to work, but text me asking to meet up for lunch, which wasn't unusual. My heart stopped beating as I looked at the square blue velvet box. That looked a lot like a box you would give someone when you wanted to marry them.

'Wh..what is it?' I stammered.

'Its just something I saw, I thought you'd like it.' I opened it nervously. Why was he buying me things? But when I opened it, it took everything not to cry. A beautiful gold locket was inside. When I looked at him he was biting his nails in anticipation. 'Is it ok?'

'Its...' I bit my bottom lip to stop it trembling. 'Its beautiful.'

'Open it.'

I did, with shaking hands. Inside on one side of the locket was the scan photo. On the other was a photo of me and him together.

'When was that taken?'

'The night we met. I hope you don't mind...it's not too soppy is it?'

'Dan.' I let out a sob, stood up and went round to his side of the table, and threw my arms around him. Mainly so I could bury my face in his chest to hide my tears.

'Oh god, sorry.' He laughed.

'Its perfect. Thank you so much.'

'Here.' He put his hand out. 'Lets put it on.' I gave it him back and sat back in my chair. He came round and I lifted my hair up and out of the way. He leant close in as he gently put the locket round my neck. I caught his scent in my breath, mixture of aftershave and coffee. He seemed to linger a moment too long, so I glanced at him. He smiled shyly and returned to his seat. My fingers touched the cool gold, tracing the intricate lines that gilded it. I was so consumed with emotion that I could barely hold onto my tears.

'Sorry.' I mumbled, noticing the look of concern on his face. I didn't want him to think I was upset. Because I was far from it. 'It's just...such a nice locket and you're so nice, and I don't know what I did to deserve you and I'll never be able to say thank you for everything you've done and how you've treated me-' I had to stop. The tears were now flowing. I wiped them away.

'Ally.' He laughed softly and shook his head in disbelief. 'Its me that should be thankful. Before you came along I was just sort of coasting through life, I didn't have anything to look forward to.'

'But you're famous. You get to travel the world. People love you.'

'But I've never had this-' he reached for my hand, 'someone to come home to, someone to have a future with.'

'But I've taken that away now. I shouldn't have started seeing Thomas. It was a bad idea.'

'No, it's a great idea. I'll be here for you no matter what. We will always have the baby, and even if we do it separately and you do find someone else, I'll always be glad we did this together.'

'I don't want you to be just a weekend dad. I want us all to life together.'

'Then that's what we'll do. We'll be one big dysfunctional family.' He grinned his geeky grin, eyes lighting up behind his glasses. My mouth opened but no sound came out. I didn't know how to express to him how I was feeling right then. And luckily, we were interrupted by the arrival of our food. The conversation was forgotten.

An hour later when he'd returned to work and I got in the car to drive home, I checked my phone. A message from Thomas flashed up. Plunging my stomaching.

'Hey beautiful, fancy going for a drink (non-alcoholic for you!) tonight?'

I put it back into my bag with a heavy sigh and decided to reply later. But when I got home I still didn't know what to do. I sat and stared at my phone. For hours. Weighing up the pros and cons. I had to decide. I could not have both.

'What shall we do, huh?' I mussed to my stomach. I knew they were aware of noise, but it probably had no idea what I was saying. 'Do we go with the nice new man? Or do we stick with daddy and hope for the best?'

And, like some sort of sign, I felt a thud from inside me. I thought I'd imagined it. Until it happened again. Almost like butterflies, but a million of them all at once pushing against my skin from just below my belly button. And if I watched carefully I could en see movement.

'Woah.' My mind was blown. I'd never experienced anything like it before.

'The baby just kicked for the first time!' I quickly text Dan. He responded within moments.

'That's amazing! I'm heading home now, I have to see this!'

My mind was made up in an instant. I would not pursue a relationship with Thomas. As much as he was a great guy, I wanted to do this with Dan. Even if it wasn't as a couple, I didn't want to bring anyone else into our lives. It would be confusing enough for the baby having two fathers and if that meant me staying single all my life then so be it. Dans enthusiasm for everything baby related and the baby's reaction to my question was all the proof I needed.

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