12. New home

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I knocked on his door, carrying everything I could fit in my arms and leaving the rest in the boot of the car. I'd been somewhat surprised when I pulled up in front of a terraced house, nothing fancy. I thought he was rich? I thought he was some megastar? Why was he living in a nondescript area of London in a terrace? I wasn't convinced I'd got the right place until I saw his car out front.

When he answered the door he had the biggest smile on his face, despite looking somewhat tired.

'Hey roomie.' I mustered all the enthusiasm I could.

'Welcome home.' He took the bags from me and led me in. He showed me around. It wasn't unlike Bens place. Only this hadn't been converted into flats. There was the living room just off the small entry hall and stairs down to a basement kitchen diner, and a weird half floor landing with three bedrooms and a bathroom up stairs. I was even more surprised by how tidy it all was.

'Here's yours.' He opened the door. It wasn't the largest of rooms. It had clearly been a dumping ground for all his things. Boxes of books, DVDs, clothes and the odd musical instrument dumped on the single bed. But it was enough.

'I'll get it all cleared today. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to get you a double bed?

'No, this is fine.' I was drawn to the double French doors that led out onto a patio garden.

'It's really nice in the summer. I was thinking of putting some grass out there too, you know, for when the baby's here and it can play out there.'

'That's sweet.' I told him. I couldn't believe he was thinking so far ahead. I just wanted to get through the pregnancy first.

'This is mine, I'll spare you the horror of what's inside.' He pointed to the door directly opposite mine. And next to the bathroom was a room smaller than mine, more boxes and suitcases of clothes packed in. 'The baby's room. There's space for a cot and changing table, maybe a rocking chair or whatever.' He looked at me for a response. But I had none. It all seemed a bit much, all this planning. All these things I had no idea I'd need.

'Cup of tea?' He offered. Breaking the silence.

'I'd love one. Thank you.' I gracefully accepted.

I sat at the kitchens breakfast bar and watched him make the drinks. So this was it. My new home. My new housemate. My new life.

'I haven't lived with anyone for a long time, not since university. Then being on the road a lot, I'm not really home much. I was going to get a lodger just to keep an eye on the place but then-'

'You got me instead.' I teased.

'Yeah. I'll try to be clean. I don't cook much. I don't really hog the bathroom. If I do anything that annoys you, tell me.'

'I'm sure we'll be fine.' I shrugged. I couldn't believe how nervous I suddenly felt. I had no reason to be. He'd taken me in without a thought. 'I erm, I wanted to ask, the rent...?'

'Free. You don't need to pay me a penny. In fact...' He rummaged in his pocket. 'I got you these.' He handed me a bank card and a front door key.

'What...woah, no...' I pushed the card back across the table.

'It's linked to my account. But it's yours. Anything you need. Anything at all.'

'Dan no. You can't give me this.' I tried to give it back but he wouldn't take it.

'Keep it. You don't have to use it, but get baby things with it. Nappies, bottles, clothes, whatever you need.'

'I...' I began to protest but it fell on deaf ears. 'Thanks.' I laughed awkwardly. Silence fell. I studied the kitchen to avoid eye contact. It was a bright lime green, all the cupboards and accessories matched. I looked up at the ceiling light, the only natural light coming in. It must've been directly below my room. I sipped my tea. Something I'd had to get used to over here, but also something I was rapidly going off.

'So, your boyfriend wasn't happy?' Dan guessed, breaking the quiet.

'No. But, I dunno, I expected him to be mad or something. He just sort of sighed and asked me to leave.'

'Easiest way I guess. You sure he didn't follow you here to kill me?'

'No.' I laughed.

'I'm sorry.' He sighed. 'For ruining your life.' I couldn't believe he thought that.

'Dan.' I said sternly, staring at him over my cup. 'Nothings being ruined. In fact, for the first time since I can remember I feel...like I have a future? I don't know.' I let out an amused sigh at my own ramblings.

I'd been living job to job, surviving on little money and getting nowhere with my dream. Maybe this baby was the answer? I'd have something meaningful in this world, a reason to get up in the mornings, someone I could pour my dreams into instead. I'd been blessed with this gift, this one shot at becoming a mother. And surely it was for a reason.

Accidents HappenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora