Chapter - 7

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Macau's Pov

I still can't believe am going on a date with my crush and I just danced with him .
Like is it even happening for real?


I remember being mesmerized when I first saw him , I was 15 then .
I met him at P'Kinn's party.
He was 18.
He looked gorgeous, he was very classy even back then.
I wanted to approach him but I held myself back ,because he was dating 
P' Time ,who was P'Kinn's friend.

At first I thought it was a teenage crush and I'll get over it , but man am still not over him and I don't think I can ever get.

So when I saw him at the party today looking all upset because of P'Time , I couldn't resist anymore.
I wanted to make him smile.


I hope am not dreaming right now.

I can't wait for Saturday. I might even go crazy before meeting him.

"YES FINALLY!", I screamed. I just couldn't keep it inside anymore.

" Wtf?!, You scared me Macau, why are you screaming?",

Fuck I didn't realise am still in the car with hia. We are going back to our house .

" Ahh nothing ", I said rubbing my nape.

" You're acting strange these days, are you okay?"

" Yeah", I was more than okay.

" I just got excited thinking about going to college" ,
I wasn't lying. I am super excited to go to college as well ,afterall I will get to see P'Tay there as well. It's his last year at college.
My life has suddenly become so good.

Ahh I want to scream more , but I don't want to get strangled by hia . So I will control myself till I get home.

"Yeah college life is fun, but make sure to study as well. Okay?", He said getting his attention back to his phone . He was reading something on his phone.

I nodded.


Pete's Pov

" I'm so tired, I don't even have the energy to get up from my bed", I said to Porsche but I doubt he even heard me. He was lying on his bed like a corpse.


" Why the fuck are you screaming Pete?, Is it like a morning ritual for you or what?"

" So you can hear me?"

" Yeah ,my ears are in working condition. But am not sure how long they will last , since you're literally screaming all the time",

I said getting up from my bed.

Well his boss is whipped for him.
Not mine. No matter how tired I am, I still have to go on time.

" Poor me ", I was murmuring.



Who is knocking right now ?


" Khun Kim? What are you doing here?", I said while rubbing my eyes.

" Uhh I live here Pete"


" From today I'll live here , so it's your room huh ",

I was scared for a moment, what does he mean by he'll live here.

" Don't get scared silly . by here I mean, at the main house not in your room", he said giggling.

" Can you guys talk somewhere else , I am trying to sleep here ", Porsche shouted from his bed.

Scar behind his smile - (Vegaspete)Where stories live. Discover now