Interlude: The ol' Trope...?

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Artist is @sssemiii (twitter handle)

(Viewer discretion is advised)


After we finished our midnight dinner, we immediately went to clean the kitchen and place everything in their correct location. We made sure we left a tidy and an organized kitchen; just like we found.

Honestly, that burrito was very delicious and I enjoyed it a lot. At this point, there were no doubts that Kev knew how to cook.
I contributed with something but it felt amazing to have done something right in the kitchen.

I had the feeling that if I involved myself more frequently when he cooked, I would learn a lot more.
Like he said, cooking was a skill and that could be perfected with practice and time.

Inside of me, I admitted I was a terrible cook, but I wasn't going to let everyone know but a few close people.
Heck, I didn't even know I made such terrible mistakes when handling the simplest tools... But I'm glad Kev pointed them out and corrected me.

"Here it is. That is all what we used." Kev said as we both stood in front of the counter. Then Tania took a look at the list of all the ingredients we used.

Tania scanned the list and then gave it back to Kev.

"Not bad. Y'all didn't use much as I expected." She responded.

"Kev made magic, I am a witness." I added and then looked at Kev with a smile.

"Nah, you flatter me too much." He answered with a shrug.

"Somebody wanting to be a little modest, eh?" I said with a smirk.

Kev immediately looked back at me.

"Hey, it's part the of image you know." He responded back with a cheeky smug.

I hit him softly with my left elbow.

"We appreciate the effort, but try harder next time." I replied back and then looked at Tania.

"Right, girl?" I asked her.

Tania just laughed a little and then looked at both of us.

"What a chemistry." She said with a smile.

"Anyways, thank you." Kev and me said in unison.

We noticed that and we looked at each other in awe. We were perplexed for a moment.

"Ooooooh, look at thaaat~" Tania commented with a cheeky tone.

She then clapped once and then leaned on the counter.

"Please, don't make too much noise. Walls aren't soundproof." She added with a wink.

I immediately flinched and my face got red. I looked at Kev and he stayed cool; no reaction whatsoever.

Then, I forcefully turned him around to face me. I pointed at his face with my index finger and then stepped forward, making sure my message was going to be clear.

"Don't even think about it, you dumbass." I said with the upmost confidence.

Kev just stared at me and he lowered my hand using his left hand.

"Yeah yeah." He said with a cold voice.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I expected a more lively answer, not such cold response.

He then looked at Tania.

"Good night, Tania. Thanks for everything." He said and then waved at her.

He then turned around and started walking to the dorms area while Tania waved back at him.

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