Chapter 9: Loyalty

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"Another victory for us, Xer." I said as I placed the core crystal piece in the pedestal.

"Yes, my lady. A victory that will surely help us achieve our goals." Xer replied.

I turned around and looked at him.

"I like your attitude. You are a nice guy, I must admit." I said.

"You flatter me too much." He replied embarrassed.

Xer is a very useful blade to have. I found his core crystal hidden in the world tree. I mean, I couldn't blame anyone, the World Tree was enormous and his core crystal was hidden in a cabinet. Luckily, I found him when I gave myself the opportunity to explore this place after I woke up.

Xer is a tall humanoid-looking blade. His core crystal had the shape of an upside down letter V and his main color was white. He wasn't very bulky like other blades such as Wulfric, but he had his psyque.
He has a black straight long hair that reaches his back and white eyes. He also had a black amor with some white ornaments coming out from his chest plate, boots and gauntlets.

The most extravagant thing about him was that he lacked a main elemental type - he could freely switch to any element as he saw convenient. A very powerful ability, I must say. Also, his weapon was a long scythe with a blade that extends a lot.
Its weapon was similar to my lance so I had no problems manipulating it at all.

I was really lucky to find him. A blade that could switch his element at will was quite a gifted one.

"What is the next plan, my lady?" Xer asked while I sat on the throne.

"Hmmm... We received word that the other piece is in Mor Ardain, somewhere around the upper level." I replied.

"My, those corrupted blades do get their job done." He said amused.

"We needed more entities looking for that piece. A few keep the heros entertained while the others look for the pieces." I added.

"Increasing our probabilities of success. Well thought." Xer said.

Then, our spy walked in the room with his bird on his shoulder.
He walked a little and stopped, keeping distance from me.
Xer slowly walked to me and then stood by my side.

"Lady Azra, I have urgent news to deliver." The spy said. He then grabbed the letter and unfolded it.

"The bird came back way sooner than expected. The letter says that the sister Aegises split. One went to Mor Ardain and the other went to Uraya. It also specifies that the red haired girl went to Mor Ardain, while the blonde one to the other place." He said and the bird started to flock a little.

"Hmmm... It seems our actions spread really fast." Xer said and put his right hand under his chin.

"After that blood bath on that supposed secret garden, I'm no surprised..." I replied to Xer then looked at the spy.

"Do we have more details?" I asked him.

"Oh yes. The boy went with the red haired girl while the blonde one went alone." He finished reading the letter.

"As expected... Our sudden swarm of corrupted blades grabbed the attention of the hero and his blade." Xer added.

I laughed.

"Hero? We can't even say that he defeated Malos and saved the world at all... The Conduit made his thing and well, here we are." I replied.

Silence filled the room. The Spy kept looking at me, confused about my words and waiting for the next orders while Xer remained shocked in his place.

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