Chapter 15: A Helping Hand

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6 days have passed and the mood in the inn went from gloomy to lively.
With Rex and Pyra hanging out with us, they have helped in cheering Mythra.

It was meant to happen but both of them already asked me what happened to her, because they noticed she was a little more reserved and not really speaking her mind that much like she used to. I still had a vague idea of what thoughts were revolving inside her mind but I didn't had the clear picture.

I could only figure that she was dealing with something very deep and personal - perhaps something about her past. Our late night conversations we had before always had a section about the past and Mythra was, surprisingly, very curious about my perspective because I had the power to literally revert time.

I was hoping that Pyra could get something better or more clear, but it seemed Mythra was fully reserved to herself regardless who was trying to comfort her.

We were feeling desperate, because we wanted to help our friend, but she closed herself.

However, regardless that Mythra hadn't revealed the core reason she was feeling down to Pyra, Pyra had helped her in other ways about her state - or that is what I believed.
Since we had exchanged rooms (Pyra and Mythra were sharing my old room and Rex and Me were sharing another room) Pyra had more chances to help Mythra than me. She was the closest person to Mythra and well, Mythra was going to be more open to her or at least, at some extent. I didn't know what Pyra had done, but some of her magic clearly helped our blonde friend.

It was a small progress, but it was looking good. Mythra was clearly more active, talkative and cheerful than before and that made me feel happy.

Today, after I did my usual morning routine, I found Rex in the central plaza in front of the big monument and he told me he was planning to take Mythra to a nearby beautiful place with Pyra.
I was puzzled how he planned to do that but he told me he had a very 'old' friend that could take them there with no problem.

He invited me to tag along but... The moment he gave me offer, I started feeling bad.
In an instant, I just remembered everything that happened with Mythra up to this point. I dragged her into this mess since the incident in Uraya. I was feeling frightened that something similar could unfold if I accepted.
I did not want to drag Mythra into my problems anymore - I really did not want to.
The worst thing was, even though I had the power of bending time at will, my powers were not sufficient to really see the future or have a glimpse of what could happen.

In my fear, I rejected his invitation. This immediately confused Rex and he flinched when I said no.

"Uh? What do you mean?" He asked with his risen right eyebrow.

"Am... I really appreciate it, but you caught me in the wrong time. I have to do some errands." I replied nervously, looking to my right avoiding eye contact.

"But we can wait for you, really!" He replied back, trying to convince me.

"No no, please go ahead. Don't delay it because of me, okay? I would feel bad." I responded to him with a more serious and convincing tone.

Rex looked at me for a few seconds confused - his face told me everything. He scratched the back of his head using his right hand and then he sighed briefly.

"Please, do it for her. Not for me, please?" I added. Rex took a pause.

"Alright... If you say so. But if you change your mind, let us know in 30 minutes." He answered defeated.

"Okay. Don't hesitate to go if I don't appear. That trip is for her." I said. I stated once again that the trip was meant to cheer her up and I tried to end the conversation right there.

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