Chapter 61

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IDF Headquarters, Kansas

June 2013

"Let me drive." Anna snatched the keys out of Wes's hands.

He gave her his serious no-bullshitin' look and took them back. "I don't think so."

"You'll kill us both." She reached for the keys, but he was too fast for her and jerked them away. "Don't you have some girlfriends to call back?" She put her hand out. He dropped the keys into her palm with a smile.

She always teased him about the three phones he carried: one for society business, and the other two for the many women he tried—and usually succeeded—to seduce.

Within months after the election, Wes insisted she move into his apartment. There was plenty of room, he claimed, and it was easier on their newly hired security guards to watch one building instead of two. Anna agreed. Wes's apartment was spacious and filled with gorgeous antiques. He claimed he'd made several million in his lifetimes and the apartment building and his precious antiques were all he had to show for it.

Anna sped down the highway, relishing the sun on her face and the soft Vivaldi concertos she played on the satellite radio to drown out the sound of Wes's phone conversation. Even though she drove over ninety miles an hour, two other cars zoomed by her.

"Who do you think that is?" she asked Wes.

"Your friend Toby probably drives like a bat out of hell." He texted one girlfriend while dialing another.

When they pulled up the long driveway to the five-bedroom farmhouse that was the IDF headquarters, both cars were already parked in a make-shift parking lot. Thad and Oscar waved her into a designated spot. She greeted them with hugs, grabbed her bag out of the trunk, and practically ran into the house. Months of planning were finally over, her vision about to come to fruition.

According to their planned schedule of events, each society would get the chance to discuss issues of importance. They'd make introductions, and they hoped the event would transpire as peacefully as possible.

"Oh, this shit is gonna get interesting," Vida said when Anna gave her the finalized list of guests. All but four of the twenty-six invited leaders planned to attend. Among the attendees were familiar names: Sabian, James Walker from Las Vegas, and Julien Basile from Montreal.

Anna found Vida in the large barn remodeled into a training space for the IDF agents. They now set it up as a conference room. A large screen hung from the rafters, and rows of chairs faced it.

"Try it again," Vida directed.

A familiar voice behind the screen said, "Turn on the projector, Vida," with practiced patience.

Anna leaned over and switched it on. The screen filled with the image of a vintage pinup girl. Vida gasped. "Very funny, guys."

Toby and Burt laughed behind the screen.

Vida ignored them and lifted an eyebrow at Anna. "You packing?"


She made a face. "You should be."

"I don't think it's going to come to that."

Vida smirked. "You're cute, but naïve." She patted Anna's cheek.

"Hey, Sunshine." Toby poked his head out from behind the screen. They hadn't seen each other since he finished training the society's new IT team months earlier.

She smiled. "Hey, you."

Vida rolled her eyes and went off to attend to some other preparation.

Toby adjusted the lens of the projector and then gave her a secretive look. "People have been coming in all day from all over the country. Lots of talk."

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