Chapter 36

16 2 29

Santa Monica, California

May 2006

The door opened and Sabian stood before her wearing only a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants. For a second, the sight of him bare-chested took her breath away.

"Everything is fine," she stammered. "I-I checked."

"Yes. I expected it would be."

Her forehead crinkled in puzzlement. "Well...good night." She backed into the hall.

He opened the door wider and stepped aside. "Come in."

She crossed the threshold into his private and forbidden space. His room was the same size as Casey's. A plush chair sat next to the window with a bed covered in a navy blue comforter next to that. A lamp on the nightstand lit the space. A glass-paned door led into a bathroom where running water filled a bathtub.

"Are you sleepy?" He went into the bathroom and adjusted the faucet to slow the flow of water. When he reappeared, he leaned against the bathroom door.

"No." Despite the late hour and the long day, she remained awake. Wide awake and suddenly energized.

She recognized the intent in his face and held her breath, watching as he approached. He brought his hands to her shoulders and ran them down the lengths of her arms. He slipped his hands into hers. This touch, so simple, ignited something inside her.

His voice deepened. "Forgive me if I'm unable to take my eyes off you."

She almost laughed. She hadn't stopped devouring his body with her eyes since the moment he opened the door to her. Somehow, she had managed these few brief moments without succumbing to the urge to put her hands on him.

She couldn't speak and didn't dare move, though. He came closer and rested a fingertip on the diamonds at her throat, tracing the curve of the jewelry over her collarbone and up to the nape of her neck. He stepped behind her. Warmth emanated from his body.

He leaned closer, his breath on her neck. "Will you let me do something for you?"

"What?" Her voice, when she found it, came out a whisper.

"You must trust me." His fingertips grazed the notches of her spine. "Will you trust me? If only for tonight?" He swept her loose blond curls aside and kissed the back of her neck.

She let out a breathy gasp. She was on a runaway train now. Trouble. A risk. She could easily lose control. But the exhilaration of risk meant she'd throw herself in front of that train if that was the only way she could feel its rush.

"Anna..." He planted a trail of delicate kisses down her back until he reached the top of her dress.

"Mmm, yes, I will trust you." Her body grew taut with anticipation.

He found the dress's zipper and lightly tugged it down. "I instructed Victoria to get you a purple gown because purple is the color of royalty." He pulled the zipper to its end, just inches above the curve of her ass. His hand cupped her gently and then spread wide and skimmed up the small of her back. He used both hands to peel the dress off her shoulder, past her breasts, over her hips. It fell in a heap on the floor, leaving her in only the lace bra and panties.

She heard the subtle intake of his breath. When he didn't touch her, she turned to look at him over her shoulder. She wanted to kiss him, but he didn't lower his face to hers. Instead, he held her for a moment. Her heart beat beneath his hand. The quickened pace of his breath in her hair matched the pace of her chest as it rose and fell under his hand.

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