Chapter 23

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Santa Monica, California

March 2006

Elliott intermittently tapped his fingers onto the steering wheel and fiddled with the radio buttons.

"Where are we going?" she asked him.

"Nice try." He laughed.

"Damn." She ran her finger over the zipper of her clutch as she waited in the back seat of one of the black Mercedes. "Why do you have to drive Sabian around all the time anyway?"

"He doesn't drive."

The car door opened and Sabian slid in next to her. Speak of the devil...

Elliott pulled out of the driveway before he even had his seatbelt buckled.

"Safely, Elliott. We're not too late." Sabian turned and swept his gaze over her unabashedly. As he moved closer, his clean masculine scent like a mix of salt water and soap encircled Anna. She tilted her body away from him, her knees pressed together.

"Where are we going?" She tried again.

"You'll see very shortly."

She didn't like surprises or being held in suspense. This better be good. She gazed out the window while Sabian took phone calls throughout the drive.

When finally Elliott slowed the car to a stop, she looked around for hints about their destination. He pulled to a curb at Sabian's instruction and Anna unbuckled her seatbelt as Sabian came around the other side of the car and opened her door for her. He took her hand, helping her out.

"Three hours." He held up three fingers to Elliott who nodded and drove off. "It's just a short walk."

They strode together on the sidewalk toward a silvery structure cutting the sky in sharp modern angles and curves.

Anna gasped. "What?" She looked to Sabian. "The concert hall?"

He stared ahead, a slow smile blooming on his face. "We're going to the concert."

Her mouth fell open. She had no words. A concert! She fought the urge to run inside and find a seat like they would all be taken and she would miss her chance.

They entered the concert hall and Anna could no longer hide her urgency as she saw the crowds and took in the grandness of the place. She roamed ahead of Sabian, wandering through the hordes of people, homing in on the main auditorium by some musical instinct, a deeper drive. Sabian caught up with her and handed her a program.

"Ohhh..." She gasped with delight when she saw the musical selections for the evening.

Sabian's smile warmed her. "This way." He put his hand on the small of her back and gently directed her toward their seats.

"It's so beautiful!" A thrill of recognition filled her when she saw the stage with its chairs set up waiting for the musicians. Sabian sat, but she remained standing, turning to absorb her surroundings. "Oh, wow." She took in the warm wooden atmosphere and the massive organ behind the stage. "The acoustics in here must be amazing."

"They're terrific." It was the strongest word she could ever recall him saying.

She took her seat next to him and continued to gaze around. Several musicians were already on stage, tuning their instruments. Anna let out a soft whimper. The pain of loss struck her suddenly and without warning.

She'd forgotten that. Until she heard them, the musicians blowing horns and moving hands over strings and keys, notes full of anticipation, she hadn't realized how much she missed being part of an orchestra and making music with others. That used to be my life.

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