Chapter 30

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Santa Monica, California

March 2006

The four rogues stood together around the table at the center of the room. After about a minute of silence, Toby said, "Well, that was that." He looked up at the ceiling. "Where are those cameras?"

Vida followed his gaze. "They're in the ceiling somewhere." She pointed upward. "There. Disguised as part of the sprinkler system." She snorted and shook her head as she laughed. "It's always the sprinkler system, isn't it?"

Toby frowned. "Should we give them an eyeful?"

"Nah," Vida chided, "They're paying customers." She smiled at Anna and Burt. "I'm bushed. Didn't sleep too well last night. I think I'll try to take a quick nap, so keep it down, all right?"

"Where are you all staying while you're here?" Anna asked.

"They gave us a spare room at Lydia's place in San Diego." Toby made a sarcastic grin. "We have bunk beds."

Vida crawled under the small table. "I have a feeling we won't be there much longer. Ten bucks says Sabian will keep us close so he can keep an eye on us."

"Ricardo," Burt muttered. "Ricardo is the one with the eyes." He sat on the floor, his back against the wall.

Toby looked at Anna as he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "So this is where you ran off to, huh?" Anna slumped against a wall opposite Burt. Toby sat down next to her. In a quiet voice, he said, "We were pretty worried, you know."

"I left a note."

"I know, but Cleo worried anyway. I'm glad I found you, although I'm still not sure it's a good thing that you're here."

"Where else should I be?"

He cast his eyes down at his sneakers and shrugged. "I don't know. We don't know who those guys were and if they have friends."

Anna had almost forgotten about the kidnapping in Las Vegas. She smirked to herself. She'd been abducted twice in two months. What were the odds?

Toby saw the look on her face. "What?"

"I was just thinking about how absurd my life has become." She slouched further down the wall. "I think I'm starting to get used to it."

"You will. Life is relative and most people tend to adapt."

She nodded even though she didn't want to get used to it. This was not the way her life was supposed to be. "I'm glad you're here, Toby." She bumped her shoulder against his and yawned. "Did you get hurt in all the fighting?"

"I got slashed a few times, but you know, no big deal. How 'bout you? Did you get hurt?"

"No. Just a bump on the head from when Casey's assholes hit me."

"Is everyone treating you all right here?"

"We got off to a rocky start, but I'm doing okay now. They give me medication which seems to help my moods."

He nodded. "That's good." His brows furrowed with thoughts he didn't communicate to her. "Where do you stay?"

"Upstairs. In Casey's bedroom."

"This is a pretty big place. You know your way around it?"

"Yeah, for the most part. Most of the guys live in the rooms downstairs, except Sabian, Ricardo, and me."

Toby nodded again. He chewed on his fingernails. "Hmm, hmm." He snuck a peek at her face. "You don't have to stay here, you know."

"I know," she murmured. She had a wad of cash and a cache of little white pills hidden in Casey's bedroom for when she needed to make a break for it.

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