Chapter 33

19 2 46

Malibu, California

May 2006

Anna had never been to Nathan's estate in Malibu, but she heard it perched on cliffs overlooking the ocean. By the time they arrived, however, it would be too dark to enjoy any panoramic ocean views.

They rode in silence, Ricardo occasionally breaking it to speak to the other security personnel. "Go around the block a few times," he told Elliott. "We're a little early." She wished it was George who rode with them instead of Ricardo.

The windows of the car were so tinted that it was difficult for Anna to get a better sense of their surroundings. Sabian's fingers moved across the seat and entwined with hers. She smiled.

"Are you nervous?"

She shook her head even though her stomach fluttered when she looked at him. "No. Should I be?"

"No. There's no reason for it." His fingers slipped into her hand, slid across her wrist.

Elliott went around the block one more time before Ricardo received word that it was okay for them to make their arrival. He drove past a tall gate and up a long circular driveway, parking in front of the house.

"Are we clear? Affirmative." He shifted toward the back seat and nodded to Sabian. "They're ready for you."

"Very well. Leave us."

Elliott and Ricardo exited the car. Anna couldn't make out their bodies after they left. It was as if a dark abyss swallowed them. She felt like she and Sabian were drifting in space together.

He moved closer to her, took her hand, and covered it with his. "I want you to know that your being here with me does not indicate your consent to become a member of this society. I understand that."

Anna matched his gaze, looked right back into his steady brown eyes as he spoke. "I—I haven't decided yet."

"That's okay. For tonight, it's enough for you to be here with me." He moved closer still, his thigh brushing against hers. "I want you by my side tonight." More flutters in her stomach.

He reached up and smoothed back a strand of hair framing her face. "I want to kiss you now." His hand gently cupped her cheek. "May I?"

She could only murmur an affirmative response before his lips met hers softly. It wasn't enough to be kissed, though. She leaned into him. Their lips parted further and she felt she was falling, falling into him and his building desire. He surprised her by pulling back slightly, ending the kiss. Anna's heart pounded in her ears.

His hands clasped hers. "Are you ready?"


He came around the back of the car to open her door. She took his hand as he helped her out. Ben and Ricardo stood waiting.

The night's cool and fresh breeze swept over them. The perfect night for stargazing. They strode ahead into the palatial home. Anna took in as much of the opulent surroundings as she could. The tall wooden doors they passed through opened into a large foyer, much larger than the one at the Santa Monica house.

Anna absorbed the scene in awe. Large chandeliers dripping with crystals and ornate iron works. Majestic antiques, artwork, and a bouquet that was too large to fit in the tiny bathroom she once shared with Casey back in Ithaca. She smelled the flowers, the perfume, the night air wafting in with them as they entered the house.

Crowds of people stood in groups throughout the foyer. Men in suits, women in dresses of every color. They all looked like they belonged in these decadent surroundings. Anna tried not to gawk as she looked around.

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