Chapter 13

22 4 29

Las Vegas, Nevada

February 2006

"Sorry, ladies." Toby idled the car in the lot of Cleo's apartment building as the two women stood to say goodbye.

Cleo held the car door open and stood, leaning half in. "What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to see James."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I think he'd like to know what Sabian's goons are up to."

She sighed. "Fine."

Anna stepped forward. "Can I come?"


"Sure. Hop in."

Anna squeezed past Cleo and buckled herself into the passenger seat. Cleo sighed again and picked up the cardboard box of clothes she brought for Anna. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I don't feel like sleeping." She shut the door between them.

Toby waved. "Good night, Cleo. I'll have her back in an hour or so."

They pulled away and left Cleo alone in the parking lot. A pang of guilt struck Anna as she saw her face. "Is she going to be mad at me for going with you?"

Toby shrugged. "Nah. She doesn't stay upset for very long. Don't worry about her."

"She seemed pretty pissed at you."

"That happens sometimes. We give each other shit, but in the end, we always stay friends. I'll make it up to her." The clicking of the car's turn signal momentarily filled the silence between them. Toby shifted awkwardly in the seat and cleared his throat. "What's your real reason for coming with me?"

She avoided his eyes. "I want to talk to James."

"We can arrange that."

It seemed too easy.

She watched Toby's face for a real reaction, but he didn't give her one beyond his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel.

"It's been a pretty exciting night for you. Are you sure you're not tired? You can meet with James another time."

"I'd rather do it now."

"I feel kinda bad. If I had known Sabian was going to show up, I wouldn't have brought you and Cleo along."

"It's okay. I'm glad you did." Or I never would have learned about Casey.

A hint of a smile flickered on his face as they arrived at yet another club, this one sporting a neon sign: "Nude Girls!" He heaved an exaggerated sigh. "This is another one of James' fine establishments. As far as strip clubs go, it's not great. I apologize in advance."

They went into the darkened club whose only light emanated from two places: the row of lights behind the bar and a strip of neon that lit up a dance platform. A naked dancer bent her body against a metal pole.

Anna followed Toby through a door behind the bar and then down a hallway. A large man dressed in black stood guard in front of a door at the end of it. He nodded at Toby.

"Is James in?"

"Yeah. He expecting you?"


"Hang on." The guard ducked into the room and then returned. "He'll see you." He opened the door, and Toby and Anna skirted past him into the small office.

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