Chapter 12

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Las Vegas, Nevada

February 2006

Toby drove while Anna sat in the darkness of the back seat, comforted by the fact that she looked so different than she had several hours ago and no one would recognize her as she was dressed.

"Remember the rules," Toby said to Cleo as he drove.

She gave a curt nod. "Right. I don't know anything about any virus."

"Anna," he said, "I can introduce you to James if you don't mind being outed so soon."

Cleo smacked him on the arm. "Don't you dare put her in that position right now. She doesn't know what she's getting into."

"She has to learn sometime."

"Not tonight. For Christ's sake, Toby, she's had a rough night. Don't force that decision on her."

"I'm sitting right behind you," Anna said.


They pulled into a parking lot and crept behind a row of nondescript buildings. Toby chose a space behind one with an easy-to-miss sign that read "1905". A bouncer leaned up against the wall next to a set of metal doors.

As they approached, he jerked his head at Toby. They bumped knuckles in a familiar greeting. "Hey, man. He's at the back corner table."

"Thanks, man."

The bouncer opened the door for them and the pounding vibration of music rolled out like a fog. The club was smaller than Anna thought it would be. Bartenders poured drinks behind bars at both ends and in the middle of it all was a dance floor so jam packed with people that she couldn't see what lay beyond it.

Cleo huddled closer to Anna and had to yell to be heard over the music. "It's called 1905 because that's the year James came to Las Vegas. You won't find any tourists here. Only locals know about it."

They followed Toby through the mass of gyrating bodies. On the other side were the tables to which the bouncer alluded. Toby strode purposefully toward the most hidden table in the corner. It was surrounded by a tall booth upholstered in plush red. Four men sat there with untouched glasses of beer in front of them.

One of the men held up his hand to signal them, an acknowledgement. "Hello, Toby." He bowed his head. "Cleo."

Toby motioned toward Anna. "James, this is Anna. She's a friend."

James bowed at her, too. "Have a seat." He waved his fingers at the men sitting around him and they slid out of the booth to let the three newcomers sit. The four beers sat on the table, abandoned. "I'm afraid I have bad news."

Anna felt Toby's body stiffen next to hers. "What's that?"

"Sabian is here." James and Toby exchanged a look. Both men frowned.

"In Las Vegas?"

"No. Here. In this club. Right now."


James nodded as his shrewd eyes scanned the rest of the club. Anna watched him with fascination. 1905? He looks like he's not a second over forty. His eyes met hers. Slowly, he smiled. "Ladies, please excuse us. We have some business to discuss."

Toby yanked a twenty out of his pocket and handed it to Cleo. "Go buy yourselves some drinks on me."

Cleo pulled her toward the bar. The speakers tilted onto the dance floor, away from the bar so it was quieter there. She ordered them each a cosmo.

"Who's Sabian?" Anna said.

Cleo knit her eyebrows together. "He's the leader of the Los Angeles society." She watched the bartender mix their drinks then handed him the twenty. "It's not a good thing he's here."

Goldilocks ForeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora