The ruby

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I'm on the way to see one of my true loves!(Besides:Hannibal, Wonder Woman and my cat)

I'm so freakin excited to get a photo with desire!



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(The fit)

My swirl of rose petals disintegrated once I appeared in the dark room. This must be the storage facility Dream was talking about. I looked sprung at the many boxes of items humans say they need but never actually use.

I turned the corner and gasped as I saw both Dream and Mathew on the ground unconscious. "You were gone for like 7 seconds how?!" I shouted as I knelt in front of him. I touched his and Mathews heart to allow my healing to flow through them.

Both woke up groaning, "My quee—" he squinted his eyes at me "My King, what are you doing here?". He gripped my arm tightly as I helped him back to his feet. I then picked up Mathew who was slowly coming back into consciousness.

"I sensed you were in trouble, what happened?", "The man who stole my Ruby altered it to his design" he explained as he brushed off his coat.

I stared downwards as I felt Mathew start to move in my hand, "Where is—" I glanced back up to see no one there. "Where..Where did he go" Mathew croaked. I held him close against me, "He's going to get his Ruby, and most of his powers back. We'll meet him back home".

I turned around and walked into the wall. Portals are so much easier than flower transportation.

Dreams POV(I'm gonna try again)

It's better if Valentine and Mathew returns to the dreaming where it's safe. A local diner was the place I appeared in front of, the flooded ground marked my boots with water droplets. As I pulled open the front door I could hear a familiar voice..voices speaking.

The fates. They're here. "Take the dream lords life in your hands and crush it" I heard them say with venom, they've always hated me for reasons unknown. They disappeared once I entered the room, blood stained the floor along with its owners bodies. The smell of the dead filed the air as I walked around the elongated chairs.

Standing, in way that was oddly uncomfortable, was John Burgess. The Ruby glowed in his hand, if he was anything like his father he wasn't going to back down. He looked up at me and smile but not in the kind way my husband usually does.

"Hello" he sighed "I'm John. I'm glad your here, the power has gone out. So there's no Tv, and no one left to talk to". The way he spoke was paranoid and confused, I almost felt bad for the poor soul.

"What is it that you think you're doing?" I asked, "Saving the world from its lies" he replied plainly. "The Ruby wasn't made for that", realization filled his eyes "Oh, so you're the Sandman". A smile spread across his face "My mother was right. She said you'd be coming for it.", "You must return it to me so that I can repair the damage you have done ".

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