No transportation without relaxation

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Dream needs to freakin relax so I wrote a fluff chapter..enjoy!

Also sorry for the long title- I thought it was catchy

The wind blew softly through my hair, yellow Ausmas flowers bloomed around me. I picked one from the ground and studied its beauty. Yellow is the color of joy and hope but also betrayal and deceit. I sighed as I thought about everything that has happened.

There's no way Dream killed Adonis, I mean sure Dream was a lot colder, crueler and a bit unfair back then but he's different now. I would note that he was also petty but that hasn't changed at all.

I just don't believe he'd kill Adonis, he may have been petty and cruel..and also infuriated that I rejected his offer..and even threatened something would happen to me if I didn't..but that doesn't mean he killed an innocent mortal man. I mean there's no evidence! I trust in my husband. After all, as much as I love my sibling they have a tendency on trying to separate me and Dream.

A faint caw made me turn my head towards the sky, a black bird soured above me. Dream must have sent Mathew to check on me, "Are you alright your majesty?" He landed on the spot beside me. I brushed back the stray feathers on his head, "I'm fine, just thinking" I smiled

"About what Lucifer said?", I nodded while stroking his wings. "You trust the devil over your own husband?", I scoffed slightly offended. "Of course not!Lucy has always tried to separate me and Dream. No doubt this is another scheme of theirs. But Dream is someone who does anything it takes to get what he wants" I explained, "Like murdering your ex?".

I stared down at the raven, not knowing what to say. "What happened with Dream and Nada, how did she defy him?" He asked another hard question, I inhaled sharply "She refused to marry him, just like I did". "You what?!" His wings sprang out in surprise.

I opened my mouth to explain but I heard a voice calling me in the wind. "My queen, I need you" Dream whispered, I sighed and stood up brushing off strand of grass in the process. "That's a story for another day, let's us see what the king needs".

I walked back inside the castle, most of the castle staff has returned. Some waved, others bowed and a few just walked the other way. They have reason to fear me, one word to Dream and I could have half the realm destroyed.

I grabbed the door handle but then glanced down at my outfit. I haven't changed since we got back. Haven't slept or bathed either. Should probably do that before we leave to find his Ruby.

The doors opened on their own, he probably sensed my presence. I walked in with my hands in front of me, my head down at the floor. I finally looked up to see Dream observed intently back at me.

"Are you ok, my love?" He asked racing down the stairs and up to me. He held my hands in his and stared into my eyes. His were like a reflection of the universe, that's their natural state when he's not around mortals.

"Yes, I just needed to reflect and think", he narrowed his eyes while tilting his head curiously "and what do you think?". I cupped his face and pulled him down to me. Our lips met in a soft kiss, he held my hands as the remained on his cheeks. "I think you may be petty but you would never do that to me..right?", I received no answer instead he crashed his lips back into mine.

"Ahem" Mathew flew in between us, "Beautifully moment, really, but could you maybe do that where Lucienne and I aren't" he landed on the bottom stairs, "Please", I whirled my head to see Lucienne standing off to the side. I didn't even hear her come in. "Sorry, Loosh, and Mathew" I giggled, "In our defense this is our home" Dream grumbled making me laugh even more.

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