His return

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I skipped the little scene Alex had with Paul where he introduced him to Dream

Also I think it mentions in the show that time works differently in the Dreaming so we're gonna say that

100 years(Human world) = 1,000 years

I might stop doing Dream's POV only bc I feel like I'm not doing a good job sounding like his character 😂


~75 years later(human years)~

No one's POV

"I could have asked you for wealth, or power like my father did, but all I wanted was to be free if you" Alex, who was now a old man, stared at dream while he stared silently back. "Surely you want that to", of course he wanted that, he wanted nothing more but to go home. How he longed to see his beloved Amaris, his kingdom and even Lucienne. Another older gentleman by the name of Paul came by pushing a wheelchair, "Alex, Darling, please sit" he pleaded with his husband.

Alex plopped down on his chair still sharing eye contact with Dream. Paul pushed the wheelchair away but stopped when he noticed the floor. The circle was broken, He.was.free. Paul glanced back at Dream whose eyes flickered from the floor to his. There was nothing Paul could do but pray that he didn't hurt him and his husband.

The moment they walked out Dream listened to the guards, one dreamed he were at the beach. Little did he know, he'd get his wish.. at a cost. The sun shine on the sand making it glow, the water crashed over each other almost overwhelming the sound of laughter. The relaxing fantasy soon turned into a grim nightmare when Dream invaded. He walked towards the guard, bent down while covering his..area and grabbed a handful of sand.

As he slowly stood something startled the guard enough to reach for his gun and shoot the nonexistent threat. In reality he was shooting at the glass sphere, Dream's eyes flinched with every shot clearly not accustomed to loud noises. As the sphere shattered with the final bullet, he felt his powers return and flow within him. He opened his palm and blew the sand at the still-shooting guards.

Within seconds they fell asleep, he was free, finally free!. Now to seek vengeance. He entered the mind of Alex Burgress, Alex navigated through the walls of his home as a young man again. Suddenly a black cat ran past him and up the stairs. "Well hello, where did you come from?" He asked, he followed the creature up the stairs and into a room with a black chair in the middle.

The cat hopped up, and sat down. In the blink of the eye the cat no longer existed, instead a figure. He stared at the darkness in fear as it glared back at him. Eyes glowing and full of anger and resentment. He began to back up "It's..It's you, you're..you're free", "I am." His voice low and rasp. It was the first time Alex ever heard him talk, first time in over a hundred years he's spoke.

A string gust of wind blew into the room from a window placed behind the chair, Dream stood and slowly walked towards him. "Do you have any idea what it was like?Confined in a cage for over a century?Do you understand the damage you have done to your world..and mine?", the celing now began to warp and change. Wind was blowing in every direction and lightning appeared out of nowhere. "I'm sorry I..I didn't know..please" Alex hit the wall not even realizing he was stepping backwards, Dream came closer towering over the frightened young man. "Your punishment, then, shall be a gift" he started to bend down, Alex, who was now a scared little boy, shook in pure fear. "I give you this.

The gift..of eternal..sleep" he blew sand in his face, Alex's eyes began to droop down and finally close..forever. In the waking world his husband and a nurse surrounded him frantically, begging him to wake up. Dream did not care, before he left he turned to the unconscious boy and said "You took my life, my freedom and worst of all my love from me, no you shall know it feels"

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