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^ 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙽𝚘𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐

Noel stood up after shouting at Ocean. He walked over to Karnak while Ocean was still stood in shock at getting interrupted while the rest of the group were trying not to laugh at Noel's commentary.

Noel Gruber: born march 5th, Pisces; sign of passion

Noel happily pulled down the lever, pictures of him rolling onto one of the walls  

Favourite ride; the Ferris wheel

very early on in noels life his mother realised two things. 

Noel put his arm up when Karnak stopped talking but then walked over to the left side of the room all the while Talia was stood next to Ocean and Mischa having conversation with Ocean while Mischa had his head in his phone trying to contact his fiancée her and Ocean were talking about some random thing waiting for them to be involved in Noel's Backstory.

The second was his penchant for all things nihilistic while other children acted out harry potter noel acted out French new wave cinema 

Ricky came out into the light pretending to cast a spell but then Ricky walked over and snatched the stick out of Ricky's hand, broke it in half and raised it to his mouth like an old fashioned cigar

In grade seven during the Saint Cassian Christmas nativity play. Noel was suspended for breaking into this excerpt from waiting for Godot

Mischa and ocean were sat opposite each other while Talia was sat in the middle of the two. All three of them had a silver tinsel halo on their heads pretending to be angels. At that moment Mischa thought that she was actually a real life angel with the blue light reflecting off the tinsel onto her face making her look glittery and Ethereal. But he shook that thought out of his head once he remembered his Fiancée. 

"There is no room at this inn For it is Christmas, Shall we hang ourselves"

Jane who was pretending to be the innkeeper with a blue scarf over her head replied. "I hear it gives you an erection"

"Then we must hang ourselves, Immediately"

Talia who zoned out but heard the last few words and her head snapped up from looking at the floor and if someone was to look at her in this very moment they would see a very concerned yet disturbed look on her face.

"ви всі це втратили (You have all lost it)" she muttered to herself hoping Mischa did not hear her because he would have been the only one who understood her.

Aspiring Icon and poet.

All of the props had come off and the curtain closed hiding everyone but noel and Ricky behind it

Noel Gruber: The Most Romantic boy in town

Noel went to the centre of the room and started picking at his black nail polish that he had put on the night before.

"I have seen the movie blue angel about a billion and one times. If  there is  something better on this earth than Marlene Dietrich playing Lola Lola the heartless booze hound harlot I don't even want to hear it. I tried to go as her for Halloween......I always chickened out, I would go as something like C3P-O but in my heart I was Lola Lola that was always my Halloween costume subtext. Mom tells I have to try and blend in, so I try to dial it back...I had to. We lived in a town where the biggest event is on July eleventh when seven eleven gives out free Slurpee's. It is like the biggest cultural event of the year. I am not even making a joke right now it is like a slurpee woodstock. I was born in the wrong town, the wrong country, The wrong era. I wanted to feel goddammit I wanted bad love. I wanted a man that would drive me to drink. I wanted to wake up in an alleyway in my own vomit. Missing teeth! I wanted to drink myself to death on the cuff of life. Anyone who hasn't experienced the ecstasy of betrayal knows nothing about ecstasy at all. I was a sexual provocateur and a novelist who never wrote a novel or had sex."

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