Chapter 13

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Court Premises

Arnav walked out of the court in anger followed by Raizadas. Anjali ran behind Arnav trying to apologise and explain him. "Chote... Chote... Chote..." But ignoring her Arnav went out of the building and came near a tree on court premises with Raizadas and Anjali following him. Aargh. He beat his fist on the tree in frustration, injuring himself.

Seeing that Raizadas were shocked. They immediately reached near him. Anjali held his hand crying looking at the injury. Arnav pulled his hand out of her hold harshly, jerking her away. Anjali looked at him shocked.

"Chote..." Anjali called crying.

"Don't... don't call me that or come near me. I feel disgusted of you. I feel disgusted to call you my sister. You are a monster. Did you hear me, Miss Anjali Raizada, you are a monster." Arnav shouted angrily.

Anjali stumbled back in shock and fear. The other Raizadas stood helpless, not understanding how to handle the situation.

"Chote, please. Let's not create a scene here and make things more worse. We will go home and discuss all this. Please." Nani pleaded helplessly.

Arnav scoffed. Nonetheless went and sat in the car. But seeing Anjali coming to sit in the car, he got out of it. He called NK. Then taking his bike keys, he drove off in the bike. Anjali cried seeing that. Then the rest of the Raizadas and Sheetal entered in the cars and left from there with Akash and NK driving.


Khushi was confused about the video and the source of it. Who made it. She raked her mind trying to remember if anybody else was present at that place when that conversation between her and Anjali happened. She couldn't understand how Gayathri got it. She decided to find it out.

As soon as the hearing ended and Gayathri came out of the courtroom, Khushi approached her.

"Wait." She said hurrying behind Gayathri.

Gayathri stopped hearing her and turned back. "What happened? Are you OK? Do you need something?" Gayathri asked concerned.

"No. I am fine. I wanted to ask you something." Khushi said softly.

"OK. Tell me. What do you want to ask?" Gayathri asked patiently.

"That video which you showed in the court. Who made it. And how did you get it?" Khushi asked straight forward without beating around the Bush.

Gayathri looked at her amused hearing her question. "Well, it's a secret. Who made the video and how I got it. It doesn't matter. What matters is, it helped us in court and made our case stronger. Regarding the source of it, think that you are not alone in Raizada Mansion. You will always have help in Raizada Mansion. I have a source in Raizada Mansion who is like my eyes and ears in there. That person is also there for taking care of you and keeping you safe.

"Well, regarding the identity of the person, let it be a surprise. Even if I tell you about that person, you won't recognize him/her as you haven't met the person till now. For now, don't think about that person. At correct time, you will meet that person. Also, if Raizadas have even a little bit of brain, then they will find that person sooner than later, then you will automatically know that person." Gayathri said with a mischievous smile.

Khushi frowned hearing that. "Why are you going in circles? Can't you say about that person straightaway. Why this suspense?" Khushi asked pouting.

"Aww, my baby girl. If I tell you everything, then what is the fun. Let that Raizadas also do some work. Wait for a couple of days. If Raizadas didn't find that person, I myself will tell you. OK?" Gayathri said pinching her chin as if consoling a stubborn little baby.

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