Chapter 4

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Next day Morning

Arnav got up early due to his disturbed sleep. He saw Khushi sleeping on the recliner. Yesterday's events came back to him at once. He decided to finish his morning jog before Khushi got up. He freshened up and went for jogging. After one hour, he returned.

He didn't saw Khushi on recliner. Then heard water running in washroom and assumed that Khushi is inside. He waited for her outside. Khushi came out after few minutes in formal clothes. He realised she was getting ready to go to work. He decided to talk to her now itself.

"Khushi, I..." Arnav started to say. Just then both of them heard door knocking.

Both looked at each other. Sighing Arnav went to open the door. He saw Payal standing there. Payal gave a small smile to Arnav and asked for Khushi. Arnav let her in.

Khushi looked at Payal for a moment and resumed getting ready. "Khushi, today you have to make breakfast. HP is already there in the kitchen. I have told him what is to be made." Payal said this and started moving out but stopped hearing Khushi's words.

"I can't. I have important work at office. I have to reach early." Khushi said and started getting ready.

Payal frowned at Khushi. "You can't do this, Khushi. I have been hearing this same excuse for the last one week. Everyday you say the same thing. Work at office. For one week, I have been cooking the food all three times - breakfast, lunch and dinner. You don't even help. I am tired of this. Today, I don't want to hear any excuses. You have to cook breakfast and dinner." Payal said angrily.

Khushi rolled her eyes. Seriously, she is talking as if daily she makes three course meal for everyone from morning to evening. She hardly makes roti and one or two curries which her mother in law and husband likes, rest of the food is made by HP. Then when anyone questions her why she doesn't cook more dishes, she says I don't help.

When I makes food, she and the entire family expects me to make different different dishes for each and every person and then they starts criticising the food without reason. Before one month, I used to make food three times a day. That time, even HP wasn't there to help. They would very conveniently send HP to run their stupid errands. They didn't even cared if I was well or not.

And this sister of hers would be running behind her husband and mother in law trying to impress them. Or would be with their special guests pleasing them. Now when she has to cook for three times a day, she is throwing tantrums. Serves her right. I am not going to help. Khushi thought.

"I won't. I won't cook." Khushi answered to her demand.

"What do you mean by you won't cook." Payal asked angrily.

"I meant I won't cook in this house anymore. This is your sasural (husband's house). They are your in laws. So you cook for them. I am getting divorced. So I won't be cooking for them anymore." Khushi said shrugging.

Arnav and Payal looked at her shocked.

"Divorce?" Payal asked shocked and confused. "Khushi, are you serious about this? I thought this was one of your usual crazy pranks."

Khushi looked at her with a mocking smile. "Exactly. Everything Khushi does is only a crazy joke to everyone. When have anyone took it seriously?"

"Khushi, I didn't mean that. You..." Payal tried to say something.

But cutting her, Khushi said with an expressionless face. "Leave it. It's better you start taking responsibility of the household duties from now on. Because I won't be there to do it. This is your house now. Your family. What they want to eat. What you will cook for them? All this is your concern now. Don't include me in all this. " Khushi shrugged nonchalantly.

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