O. Kokichi

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Kokichi's always been a family man, sometimes finding himself dreaming of being a father to beautiful children someday.


Once he met you, those fantasies evolved to having a family with the one he holds most dear, his darling.


Of course, he does need an heir after all!


He's not the type to do something as stupid as having an unplanned pregnancy, mindful to not finish inside, or he makes sure you get the morning after pull.


After he's decided that you and him are ready, he just...doesn't give you the plan b.


He wants a baby and you will give him one.


Once you either take the pregnancy test or stop getting your period and it's definite that his plan has worked, he's become the happiest man on earth.


Beside the actual baby coming, he's most excited about taking care of you and seeing you grow.


Having his baby is the ultimate way to entrap you, you two are now connected by blood, you're officially family.


As soon as he knows you're pregnant, he wouldn't be as mean as he used to be, he'd still be a little harsh verbally, but rarely more than that.


Would make sure you take care of yourself very well. Don't even think about skipped meals!


This man is so excited to but baby clothes and toys, he becomes an inferior designer for the baby's room, making sure it's the best. Just as his own child deserves.


He’s also already very affectionate but now with a child on the way, amp that up to ten, you get extra attention if that’s even possible, especially to your belly!


He likes to rub it.


When it’s time for the baby to come, he’s not the type to cry around others but he might if he gets too emotional.


Probably won’t because he’s just too excited to be sad!


The moment he first laid his eyes on the combination of yours and his features, it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.


He’s convinced they’re going to be a total daddy’s boy/girl! How could they not love their dad, the Ultimate Supreme Leader?


Most of all he’s excited for the domestic life this will bring the both of you. He’ll make sure it says that way, forever. Nothing will ever come in the way of his perfectly happy family, almost too perfect.


Overall, he’s worked too hard for this happy ending and this is all he’s ever wanted. Now all he wants to do is relax and have fun raising a child just as evil as he is.

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