S. Shuichi

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He's the delusional type for the most part.


From the moment he sees his darling, he'd be in love.


He would not be able to stop thinking about you.


You would consume every waking moment of his life.


He is very obsessive.


He would be the stalker type.


Definitely accumulated a lot of photos of you.


It's probably his favorite past time.


Besides staring at said photos.


Everything you do is perfect to him.


You could do absolutely anything to this man and he would love it.


He would die for any attention from you.


Shuichi would be kinda delusion about his and your relationship.


He'd take any sort of acknowledgement or kindness as your reciprocation of his feelings.


Breaks into your house while you're out or asleep.


He'd look through your things.


Definitely planted hidden cameras in your room.


Now he can watch you 24/7.


Classic yandere things like, stealing your underwear or other memorabilia.


Pretty soft yandere overall.


It would take a lot to actually drive him to murder someone.


But if he really had to, he would.


Would be so nice to you during interactions.


He would treat you like a god/goddess.


If you two were in a relationship, he would be so cheesy.


The cheesiest pet names you can imagine.


If you don't mind privacy invasion, he's a pretty nice yandere to have.





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