S. Shuichi

546 8 0





He will stalk you all the time, everyday.


Absolutely no filter, especially around you.


Even if you try to avoid him because of his off-putting behavior, he will not care, not in the slightest.


In his mind it's no different because I'm sure a lot of people avoid him anyways.


Weird "anonymous" love letters that are painfully obvious.


You know those creepy words everywhere.


The ones you constantly hear sputtered out of that weird Katashi guy who won't leave you the hell alone.


Items of yours go missing more and more.


You catch him staring at you way too often.


He doesn't even look away if you catch him.


No matter how much you tell him off or threaten restraining orders.


If anything, it only eggs him on further.


He loves the hurtful words you direct at him with such hatred and a tinge of fear.


Just like Nagito.


Him being a little masochistic but a little more on the sadomasochistic side.


He will break into your house while you're fast asleep and stand over your sleeping body with his hand down his pants.


Just watching.


He would also kiss you in your sleep.


It'd be hard to actually tell he'd been in there.


He can be pretty sneaky and he definitely doesn't want to go to jail.


He wouldn't be able to see you.





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