O. Kokichi

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"Oh, where has my darling s/o gone off to now?"


That was the only thing you heard between the thin wall that separated you and the man who has kept you captive for...you've lost count how long by now.


The taunting tone sending chills down your spine. You'd managed to escape the basement and found yourself in one of the many rooms of the house he kept you hidden away.


"If you wanted to play hide-and-seek you could've just asked me, y'know~"


You watch diligently through the panes of the closet door, as he scrapes the large kitchen knife he wields in his hand against the wall, making a harsh metallic sound as you cringe at the thought.


Brandishing a kitchen knife the glint of the knife catching your eye as he walked past.


You prayed in your head over and over.


“Please, please, please, please don’t let him find me.”


Luckily enough he walked right past the dark closet which had you hidden inside.


You listened intensely until the door shut and hesitantly opened the wooden panel with shaky hands.


Stepping out of there, you had to get out of there quickly, it’s only a matter of time before he found you. Striding towards the door wondering to yourself if you should open it. After all you had no idea what could be outside, for all you know he could be waiting outside that very door with his knife...shivering again.


Deciding to just do it before you back out, you slowly turn the knob, and peak out of the crack; it seems like there’s no sign of Kokichi, all you see is a dark hallway, you could barely see.


He probably turned off the lights to mess with you, he knows you don’t know how to navigate.


You felt as if your feet couldn’t move but you forced yourself anyways, moving one after the other, stepping into the hall.


Suddenly the adrenaline kicked in, you were escaping, you’re gonna be free, finally free away from this hell-hole.

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