O. Kokichi

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Kokichi with an idol darling is...not a good combination.


Kokichi is one, if not the most, jealous yandere's ever and would be immensely selfish with you, not wanting to share you with the world.


Although he does appreciate and applaud you for your dedication to your art and the skill it comes with.


He honestly admires it.


He is a hardcore secret fanboy of yours, depending on what you do, he would watch every show or stream.


If something ever made him miss one...


Learning every little thing he could about you from this, every trait and interest, things to use against you, everything.


Seeing other people being big fans of yours irritates him, they can't enjoy you like he does.


The kind of fans who found our exactly where you live, what time you sleep, your friends and families full names, your favorite ice cream flavor etc...


If you have merchandise, he would buy out the whole stock. He just can't stand the thought of someone else "owning" even a part of you, but hey! More items to add to the shrine.


Might even use your merch for...other reasons.


Depending on how famous you are, he will buy a body pillow case with you printed on it, before long it will probably stand on its own.


With you being famous around the world, it makes it harder for Kokichi to be able to just kidnap you.


He would have to pull of something drastic like faking your death or something of the sort, but that would be way over the top.


He has to think smarter than that.


All he has to do is pull some strings, it's easy if you know the right people.


And then before you know it, all your fans suddenly hate you, you're cancelled in the eyes of the public all for something you had nothing to do with.


Now if he wants to take you for himself it would look like you got away from the internet for some time off.


Exactly what he wanted, now your disappearance isn't so suspicious and would be no trouble at all.


You've always known that becoming an idol would mean possibly you will have crazy fans. Fans who enjoy your content a little too much for your liking.


You've had stalkers in the past. Nothing too serious but it made you raise your guard a lot more. You never know anyone's true intentions.


You need to remember that as an idol.


What you didn't prepare for is being captured by a crowd of people only to wake up in a dark dirty basement, wrists and ankles zip-tied.


Automatically assuming the worst, you are in the clutches of some super fan who is convinced they're in love with you and honestly you're not that far off.


But it's strange because you thought everyone was against you but yet here you are.


Kokichi would probably act like he didn't even know about your fame, at least at first.


Some sort of weird mind game he's playing and he wants you to think that.


Wether you find out through him or maybe stumble upon something you weren't supposed to see and discover the truth, it doesn't matter, he's not letting you go anyways.


Let's just hope you don't find out who started those rumors.





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