H. Maki

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Maki is a horrifying yandere to have. She's a total stalker, it's what she does best after all. Well, second best I should say.


She is always keeping an eye on you, you sometimes catch her staring, always with that same stoic look on her features.


Maki is not familiar with these feelings, she could swear up until now she counted the very existence of love itself.


It's safe to say her mindset completely changed the very second her red eyes met yours.


She wasn't really fond of her attraction at first, she's an assassin, she had no place in a relationship. That's what she told herself however.


You always feel eyes on you no matter where you are and become increasingly paranoid.


It doesn't help when some of your friends slowly start to go missing one by one, you start to think you might be next.


You are scared to go out alone, let alone at all.


Surprise, surprise, guess who timidly offered to walk you home?


No one other than the Ultimate Child Caregiver, who you'd barely ever even spoken to.


She put on a totally different front around you than others.


Much sweeter, almost charming. She's the mellow, quiet girl you would never suspect.


A part of her really likes that you think of her like that, even though it was her playing that part for that purpose.


The last thing she'd want is for you to be afraid of her.


She'll take this time as an opportunity to finally talk to you like she's always wanted to, but...


The words...just...won't...come out.


At least not in the way she wants. She ends up unsuccessful in her attempts.


Tired of pretending and biding her time, after walking you hone she just doesn't leave. Oh no, she has other plans.


She quietly breaks into your house just like she would a target. Putting those assassin skills to use.


She sneaks in to where you lay peacefully sleeping.


Well, you thought you were peacefully sleeping in your bed, but found yourself in a very different setting then you remember.


Yep, she picked your sleeping form up and transported you all the way back to her underground basement. Cuddling you like a sleeping baby in her arms. Awe.


You groggily wake up to see the last person you'd expect; Maki Harukawa.


What? How? When? Millions of questions running through your head but Maki is no help.


It's like you didn't even know her, which you didn't, it's like her personality did a total 360. She's cold and blunt, where's the Maki you knew?


You soon put the pieces together, your missing friends, a scary Maki, tied to a chair I'm a basement.


You think you are about to be her next victim.


But then she explains how you two are supposed to be together, she tried to get you to realize for so long she just couldn't stand it, so she had to resort to other things. Hearing this doesn't make you feel any better.


She just knows everything will turn around now, she has you, and you'll be happy together. You will soon learn to accept her feelings, she just knows!


Try to disagree and rebel, possibly attempt to escape and you're met with...a knife to the throat in front of glowing red eyes.


"Best not to try that again s/o."





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