O. Kokichi, I. Miu, and Kiibo

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You act like a puppy, he treats you like one. Constantly comparing you to a lost little puppy.


You're like his adorable little pet, definitely looking into buying a leash and a collar for you.


Lots of cuddles and head pats, he just can't help but shower you in affection.


Everytime he says something and you repeat what he said back like a baby learning English, like his own sidekick.


Now if this was literally anyone else, Kokichi would be annoyed, but it's you!


He absolutely loves when you copy him. He couldn't ask for a better s/o.


You copy everything he does? He smells a new opportunity for a new partner in crime!


Your innocence will be slowly corrupted by the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself, and he teaches you to do all sorts of crime and other bad things.


You follow along, of course, because that's what you do best, and the leash isn't going anywhere anytime soon.




Following Kiibo around everywhere? No, he should be the one following you around!


Either way, he's not complaining. He loves that you want to spend time being around him.


He doesn't understand why you would want to copy exactly what he does, why don't you do your own thing?


He kind of gets it though, because he'd never want to leave your side either.


Knowing him, he'd probably develop some sort of separation anxiety when away from you at any given time. Whenever he is without you he feels so incomplete without his little helper.


Would start to follow you around just as much as you follow him if that makes sense...so you're just like...following each other. Just enjoying each other's company.


He loves that you are so sweet and innocent, might overheat a little just because he finds you too adorable.


Out of all three, Kiibo is by far the most protective. If anyone tries to lay a finger on you, consider them gone, out of the picture. Don't ask questions.


How could anyone want to hurt someone as sweet as his s/o? He'd always have you under his arm.


Not much of a difference because you're always by his side anyways. He likes the added protection and ownership it shows.




Calls you her bitch, it's all in good fun though! Sort of.


She's always wanted someone to help her around her lab, and it's her darling s/o of all people?


She tries to teach you everything she knows about mechanics even if you don't understand and just repeats what she says, she's happy nonetheless.


If you manage to build something of your own just from watching what she does, she'd be really happy. But she might insult your creation a little, that's just how she shows affection.


Miu really loves how you cling to her constantly, it brings out some material instinct in her and she would constantly spoil you, whether that be in cuddles and affection or anything you can think of that she can build.


Just like Kokichi, Miu would slowly corrupt your innocence, obviously which she would take a lot of pleasure in doing.


All the dirty provocative jokes she spews out of her mouth and you repeat them back to whoever she's talking to, even if you don't get them exactly.


She'd be quick to teach you all the meanings, especially excited to watch your face flush with red as she explains the words you said along her side.


Another type to construct a collar for you, making sure it's comfortable for you. Of course her name is bedazzled onto the front!





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