35. Accusations

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Sakshi had been working at HYBE now and when Namjoon found about his girlfriend working at the same place as him he was delighted though it meant they had to be extra careful. And she had befriended most of the idols working there due to her being a fun person and closer to them in age than most staffs..

But there were two girls from the make up department who didn't like her very well especially due to her being everyone's favourite. And they knew she was hiding some things as she never disclosed where she lives and she was also very much secretive about her phone too . But the two girls were determined so by sneaking few glances every now and then when Sakshi unlocked her phone  they figured out her password and made a plan to find out Sakshi's secret. Ans after waiting for few days they had made all arrangements to keep her busy for atleast a couple of hours and away from her phone.


As the day finally came their plan worked out perfectly and they got Sakshi's phone in hand and managed to unlock it without much trouble, they searched through different applications nd finally opened gallery nd thats when they knew they hit jackpot as in Sakshi phone they found multiple pictures of Namjoon nd a couple of the other members's too. And all those pictures were un-released pictures. Do they obviously came to the conclusion that Sakshi was a sasaeng nd immediately took the issue to bang pd nim. Nd on hearing about this pd nim was very much disturbed and so he quickly called a meeting with Sakshi TXT nd BTS.


Pd: Ms. Sakshi do you know why you are called here ?

Sk: no ?

Pd: well I thought we will wait for BTS to arrive but I don't want to wait too much and risk my idols privacy.

Sk: I'm not understanding sir.

Pd: ohh quite your acting we have come to know your a sasaeng of Namjoon from 2 of the Make up artists. And they have presented proof.

Sk& TXT: WHAT!!!

Pd: sadly yes boys. Now I haven't taken any legal actions yet , your young you still have time to change .

Sk: but pd nim I'm not a sasaeng why would someone think that ....

Pd: well the two MUAs happened to go through your phone and came across multiple unofficial and unreleased pictures of Namjoon. And also alot of picture of you in Namjoon's apartment.

Sk: WHATT!!!! They went through my phone that's invading my privacy.

Sb: well you of all people have no right to speak about privacy.

Sk: Soobin it's not like that just believe me . There is a perfectly good explanation for everything

Pd: if that's the case then let's here your perfectly good explanation.

Sk: I'm sorry I can't tell you.

Pd: then you may leave as in leave this job and never come near the boys next time we won't hesitate to take legal action.

Sk: but pd nim just giv-


Jin: um pd nim you called for us ?

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