An act

3 1 0

I was playing the part

you created for me. 

You expected me to follow

the rules without any rebellions. 

When it came to hardship

you didn't even blink once

to blame me for the outcome

not seeing an act you put on

for others to blindly believe in. 

I was singing the song

you wrote to me. 

You wanted me to serve

the show without any fight. 

You closed your ears

whenever there was some

criticism about the performance

as you thought you only came

out with the best of the best. 

I was dancing the dance

you choreographed for me.

You needed me to move

the audience without any rest. 

Problems were your work's end

'cause you swore yourself to be

the very image of perfection

not wishing for a proper change

if it meant losing the glory. 

I was living the life

you pushed me into. 

You ordered me to stay

in it without any doubts. 

You talked in dreams

taking life as a big wonder

that was there to enchant us

as if going out of that frame 

meant to die for nothing. 

.  .  .


A/N: Okay... I don't exactly know what is the meaning of this but that's the beauty of it; the beauty of writing something that could be and mean anything or nothing at all. Words are magical in that sense. Whatever you find in this, hold it close and never let go. Let the poem build out the stories that need to be told. 

Happiest October to you all - autumn is f i n a l l y here!!!

With love,


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