First time at Berk

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Hiccup's POV

A couple of hours later, with me holding on to Ashely and trying to stop the bleeding on her leg, we finally get to Berk, making me sigh in relief, and Toothless fly us directly to Gothi's hut. Astrid and Stormfly fly ahead to talk to her, explain the situation. Even though we're flying fast, I can't go too fast because of Ashley. She's still unconscious, which worried me, she woke up once during the flight but passed out right after.

We land right in front of Gothi, with the healer up and ready to aid. I dismount Toothless with Ashley still in my arms and walk to bed, setting her down. As I do so, Ashley grunts and groans, as she presses her eyes tighter, even though she's still unconscious. I get up and turn to go talk to Gothi but I feel someone hold my hand. I look down and see Ashley's hand in mine, as well as her eyes starting to open up. I kneel down again, holding her hand, as well.

"Hey Ash." I whisper to her, worried. "Just hang in there okay? We are going to get you all fixed up." I put my free hand on her head.

"Twilight? G-Ghost?" She says weakly and with a hoarse voice. Her nose and mouth covered in soot. "And B-Blaze? Everyone is fine, right?" Ash continues, trying to sit up but starts coughing again.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down and relax. Everyone is safe. You just focus on resting." I tell her with a calm voice and soft smile, even though I'm sure my concern is painted all over my face.

"Where am I?" She asks with her voice cracking and weakly.

"Berk. We brought you here to our healer. She's going to take care of you. Now stop talking and rest, Ash." I say again and she nods, laying her head back down. "Gothi, I think her armour helped stop the dragon trap, but still hurt her. And she breathed in a lot of smoke." I tell her and she scribbles on the dirt.

'Take out her boot so I can see the damage.' Gothi draws while I nod and do as she asks.

"This might hurt, Ash. A lot." I say and she nods scared. Astrid runs over to her and holds her right hand. Both girls nod at me and I take a deep breath, indicating Ashley to do the same. When she does, I pull out her boot and she lets out a little scream, soon biting down her lips. When it's done, I look over to her and see a single tear threatening to spill out of her eye, but she doesn't let it slide down.

Gothi pushes me over, going to look at the wound. Astrid stays by Ash's side while I go to her other side. Ashley quickly grabs a hold of my hand with her left one, making me look at her surprised.

"Thank you." She says quietly and I give her a soft smile.

"No problem." I reply with the same tone she'd used. I see Gothi waving at me so I send Ash anther smile and then head to the healer. Gothi scribbles on the ground and when she's done, I smile at what I read. "Ash, she said you will be fine. You just need to rest for a while so your foot can heal. Your armour took most of the damage. If you weren't wearing it... the situation would be different." I inform the girl laying down in front of us, saying the last part while looking to the side. "But you were wearing it, so you will be up in your feet in no time!" I look at her again and she smiles brightly at me, a smile that makes me want to smile as well. And so I do. I see her mouth open and close, trying to say something, but I kneel down next to her with a soft smile. "Shh. You need to rest. Even though your foot is going to be fine, you still inhaled smoke. Rest." I look into her eyes and I notice that she is holding in her coughs. "Let it out." I whisper and she starts to cough. Ashley puts a hand over her mouth while the other goes over her chest, as if it would lessen the pain.

Ashley puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles, though she coughs right after it. Astrid moves to stay by my side as she sees Twilight, Ghost, Sunray and Blaze coming towards their rider with worry in their faces. Twilight rubs her head against Ashley's slightly.

"I'm okay. I'm going to be okay. Help Hiccup and Astrid if they need anything, okay?" Ashley tells her dragons weakly and with a scratchy voice, and the three dragons reply with a nod, making her smile. I see her looking worriedly at her dragons, but before I could say anything, Astrid puts her hand on Ashley's shoulder.

"They'll be fine. Hiccup and I will personally make sure of that. If you want, we will even help them stay out of sight from the others." Astrid says and Ashley's eyes shine while she nods.

"Thank you. Twilight and Ghost are my main concern, though Sunray worries me too." Ashley whispers while looking at the furies then at the Changewing . "They've been through so much already. Blaze has too, but she can handle herself better and mingle with the other Monstrous Nightmares, like Hookfang." She coughs again and now is Blaze who comes forward. I see Ghost looking at Ashley with worry all over his face. I recognise that expression from Toothless. Blaze huffs and says something to her, making Ashley nod. "I better rest now, before someone decides to put me to sleep herself." Ash says jokingly while looking to Blaze.

"Here, drink this before." I say as I see Gothi walk to us with a cup. She scribbles on the ground and I nod. "Gothi says it will help with your cough and also help you sleep." I tell Ash and she nods, drinking the liquid. "They will be okay while you rest, Ash. So focus on getting better, okay?" I tell her while putting my hand on her forehead after she lays down again. She smiles at me sleepy, the liquid already having an effect on her, and she nods. Her eyelids quickly shut down and she drifts into sleep. "I'll take her to my house, she can rest there. Come on guys." I say and signal to Blaze, Ghost, Twilight and Sunray as I pick Ashley up.


Guess who's back??!! Sorry for that, guys. I just didn't know how to end this chapter. I hope you like it, even though it's not one of the best.
Thank you my wolfies
Honey wolf, out!

Ps, I haven't proofread it yet, so forgive any mistakes. And yes, i know people usually out this at the start, but I'm not really normal, so...

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